Karim, Idyawati Abdul
A comparative cross-sectional study
on the prevalence of psychiatry
disorder, substance misuse and
neurotic personality traits between
male sexual offenders and non sexual
offenders in Pokok Sena prison.
Masters thesis, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
To determine the prevalence and association of psychiatry disorder, substance
misuse and neurotic personality traits with sexual offending behaviours in male sexual
offenders and non sexual offenders in Pokok Sena Prison, Kedah. This cross-sectional study was conducted in Pokok Sena Prison, Kedah. Study
population consisted of one hundred and forty ( 140) offenders who had been convicted and
was undergoing their sentence in Pokok Sena Prison from June 2010 to July 2010. Seventy
(70) participants were selected from the sexual offenders' group and another seventy (70)
participants from the non sexual offenders' group. The participants were interviewed using a
constructed Clinical Data Form (CDF) for sociodemographic data, clinical and criminal
history. They were also assessed for psychiatry morbidity using the Structured Clinical
Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Diagnosis: Clinician Version (SCID-1-CV, First et.al, 1997).
MHQ was used to screen for neurotic personality traits. Statistical analyses were performed
by SPSS version 17.0. Majority of the population study sample was Malays and Muslims. Mean age for
sexual offenders was in the mid thirties, have a lower educational level and earning less than
RM I 000 per month. There was a significant difference found in terms of family history of
psychiatric illness and family history of substance misuse. Sexual offenders also had a higher
proportion of parental separation before the age of 16 years old and history of both parents
working compared to the non sexual offenders. For the related criminal record, past history of sexual crimes was found to be higher in the
sexual offenders' group. On the whole, there is no significant difference in psychiatric
diagnosis between the two groups. However, there was a significant difference in psychotic
and mood disorder when individually diagnosed between sexual and non sexual offenders.
There was also a significant difference found in the presence of substance disorder between
the two groups. In terms of personality assessment, the subscale for somatic anxiety was
significantly higher in the sexual offender group. There were significant differences found in some of the factors in the
sociodemographic data, clinical and criminal history. No significant differences found in
psychiatric diagnosis as a whole. However, there was a significant difference in terms of
psychotic and mood disorder diagnosed, presence of substance disorder and higher
proportionate of somatic anxiety personality in the sexual offender group.
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