Amin, Md. Sadequl
Curing Characteristics And Properties Of
Epoxidized Natural Rubber ( ENR ).
Masters thesis, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
The cure characteristics of accelerated sulphur vulcanization of epoxidized
natural rubber containing 25 mol % of epoxidation ( ENR 25 ) was studied
while one grade of unmodified natural rubber - standard Malaysian rubber
light ( SMR L ) was used as a control. The influences of different accelerator
types - zinc dimethyldithiocarbamate ( ZDMC ), tetramethylthiuram disulphide
(TMTD), diphenylguanidine ( DPG ), N-t-butylbenzothiazole-2-sulphenamide
(TBBS ), and 2-mercaptobenzothiazole ( MBT ) at various temperatures
were investigated. Three vUlcanization systems - conventional high-sulphur
vulcanization ( CV ), semi-efficient vulcanization ( semi-EV ) and efficient
vUlcanization ( EV ) were also investigated. Mooney Shearing Disk
Viscometer ( MV 2000 ) and Moving Die Rheometer ( MDR 2000 ) were used
to determine the Mooney scorch time and cure time respectively in the
temperature range of 100 to 180 DC.
Sifat-sifat pematangan· bagi pemvulkanan getah asli terpoksida yang
mengandungi 25 % mol pengepoksidaan ( ENR 25 ) terpecut sulfur telah
dikaji sementara getah asli ( SMR L ) telah digunakan sebagai kawalan.
Kesan berbagai pemecut - zink dimetilditiokarbamat ( ZDMC ),
tetrametiltiuram disulfida (TMTD ), difenilguanidin DPG), N-tbutilbenzotiazol-
2-sulfenamida ( TBBS ) dan 2-merkaptobenzotiazol ( MBT )
pada suhu yang berlainan dikaji. Tiga jenis sistem pemvulkanan -
pemvulkanan konvensional bersulfur tinggi (CV ), pemvulkanan semi-efektif (
semi-EV) dan pemvulkanan efektif ( EV ) juga telah dikaji. Mooney Shearing
Disk Rheometer ( MV 2000 ) dan Moving Die Rheometer ( MDR 2000 )
masing-masing telah digunakan untuk menentukan masa skorj Mooney dan
masa pematangan di dalam julat suhu 1 aaoc hingga 180c.
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