Mildawati, Milly
Pengurusan Pencegahan Konflik
Berulang Dalam Masyarakat
Di Pamanukan, Subang, Jawa Barat,
PhD thesis, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
Konflik horizontal bernuansa Suku, Agama, Ras dan Antara Golongan (SARA)
yang berlaku di beberapa wilayah Indonesia antara lain disebabkan kecemburuan
sosial akibat pengagihan sumber daya yang tidak seimbang antara penduduk
peribumi dengan pendatang. Selain itu, adanya sentimen etnik atau ras antara suku
turut menjadi pencetus konflik.
A horizontal conflict based on Ethnic group, Religion, Race, Inter-group
known as SARA occurring in several regions in Indonesia, among others, are caused
by social jealousy due to an unequal distribution of resources between native
inhabitants and immigrants. The sentiments of the different ethnic and race also play
the primary role in the triggering of the conflict. The social conflict occurred in
Pamanukan, Subang, West Java is a conflict based on SARA in a form of violence.
Various reconciliation efforts on the social conflict had been attempted by several
parties, both the government and the society.
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