Items where Author is "Wan Rosli, W. I."

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Ng, S. H, and Wan Amir Nizam, W.A. and Wan Rosli, W. I. (2017) Incorporation of Pleurotus sajor-caju powder in cinnamon biscuit: study on nutritional, physical, colour and sensorial properties. International Food Research Journal, 24 (6). pp. 2454-2462. ISSN 2231-7546

Chapagai, M.K. and Wan Rosli, W. I. and Wan Manan, W. M. and Jalil, R. A. and Karrila, T. and Pinkaew, S. (2017) Effect of domestic cooking methods on physicochemical, nutritional and sensory properties of different varieties of brown rice from Southern Thailand and Malaysia. International Food Research Journal, 24 (3). pp. 1140-1147. ISSN 2231-7546

Ng, Sze Han and Wan Ahmad, Wan Amir Nizam and Wan Rosli, W. I. (2016) Quality Characteristics of Pleurotus sajor-caju Powder: Study on Nutritional Compositions, Functional Properties and Storage Stability (Ciri Kualiti Serbuk Pleurotus sajor-caju: Kajian terhadap Komposisi Zat Pemakanan, Sifat Berfungsi dan Kestabilan Penyimpanan). Sains Malaysiana, 45 (11). pp. 1617-1623. ISSN 0126-6039

Marina, A. M. and Nurhanan, A. R. and Wan Rosli, W. I. and Nurul Ain, O. (2016) Physical Properties and Microstructure of Butter Cake Added with Persea americana Puree (Sifat Fizikal dan Mikrostruktur Kek Mentega yang Ditambah dengan Puri Persea americana). Sains Malaysiana, 45 (7). pp. 1105-1111. ISSN 0126-6039

Ho, Y. M. and Nizam, Wan Amir and Wan Rosli, W. I. (2016) Antioxidative Activities and Polyphenolic Content of Different Varieties of Malaysian Young Corn Ear and Cornsilk. (Aktiviti Antioksida dan Kandungan Polifenolik bagi Varieti Berbeza Jagung Muda dan Sutera Jagung Malaysia). Sains Malaysiana, 45 (2). pp. 195-200. ISSN 0126-6039

Solihah, M.A. and Nurhanan, A.R. and Wan Amir Nizam, W.A. and Wan Rosli, W. I. (2016) Aqueous Extract of Cornsilk Confers Mild Diuretic Activity in Normal Rats (Ekstrak Akues Sutera Jagung Cetus Aktiviti Diuretik Sederhana dalam Tikus Normal). Sains Malaysiana, 44 (8). pp. 1167-1174. ISSN 0126-6039

Zakaria, Fatariah and Wan Rosli, W. I. and Ng, Sze Han and Zain , Mohd Shazwan and Wan Ahmad, Wan Amir Nizam (2016) Assessment of Glycaemic Effect of Benincasa hispida Aqueous Extract in Streptozotocin Diabetic Rats. Health and the Environment Journal, 7 (1). pp. 1-12. ISSN 2180-1126

Wan Rosli, W. I. and Mat Ali, Solihah (2016) Assessment of Malaysian Cornsilk Bioactive Compounds and Its Cytotoxicity test on Brine Shrimp (Artemia salina). Health and the Environment Journal, 7 (1). pp. 124-138. ISSN 2180-1126

Saiful, B.S. and Wan Rosli, W. I. (2016) Effect of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus sajor-caju) addition on the nutritional composition and sensory evaluation of herbal seasoning. International Food Research Journal, 23 (1). pp. 262-268. ISSN 2231 7546

Wan Rosli, W. I. and Wan Muda, Wan Abdul Manan and Abu Bakar, Nordiana and S. Malik, Vasanti and Willet, Walter C. and Hu, Frank B. and Ong , Mei Gee and Tengku Ismail, Tengku Alina and Abdul Jalil, Rohana (2016) Glycaemic Index of Commercially Available Brown Rice in East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 24 (4). pp. 1430-1435. ISSN 1990-9233

Sa'ari, Saiful Bahri and Wan Rosli, W. I. and Mohamad, Kasmah (2016) Perencah herba diperkaya dengan cendawan tiram kelabu (Herbal seasoning enriched with grey oyster mushroom). Buletin Teknologi MARDI, 9. pp. 65-71. ISSN 2289-9642

Wan Rosli, W. I. and Nurul Aliim, Z. A. (2016) Physicochemical Properties and Morphological Characteristics of Composite Flour Added with Cornlettes (Zea Mays) for Functional Food Ingredient. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 10 (11). pp. 300-306. ISSN 2309-8414

Nurkhuzaiah, K and Babji, A.S. and Wan Rosli, W. I. and Foo, S.P. (2015) Tocopherol and Tocotrienol contents of chicken nuggets blended with red Palm oils before and after frying. Journal of Oil Palm Research, 27 (1). pp. 82-89. ISSN 1511-2780

Fatariah, Z. and Tengku Zulkhairuazha, T. Y. and Wan Rosli, W. I. (2015) Ascorbic acid quantification in Benincasa hispida fruit extracted using different solvents. International Food Research Journal, 22 (1). pp. 208-212. ISSN 2231 7546

Wan Rosli, W. I. and Nurhanan, A.R. (2015) Dehydrated Maydis stigma Enhances Nutritional and Antioxidative Capacities of Butter Cookies. Advances in Environmental Biology. pp. 192-198. ISSN 1998-1066

Alice, C.L.V. and Wan Rosli, W. I. (2015) Effects of brown rice powder addition on nutritional composition and acceptability of two selected Malaysian traditional rice-based local kuih. International Food Research Journal, 22 (3). pp. 1124-1131. ISSN 2231 7546

Sze, Han Ng and Mohd Zain, Mohd Syazwan and Wan Rosli, W. I. (2015) Hypoglycemic and Antidiabetic Effect of Pleurotus sajor-caju Aqueous Extract in Normal and Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats. BioMed Research International, 2015. p. 8. ISSN 2314-6141

Marina, A. M. and Wan Rosli, W. I. and Norhidayah, M. (2015) Rapid quantification of free fatty acids in virgin coconut oil by FTIR spectroscopy. Malaysian Applied Biology, 44 (2). pp. 45-49. ISSN 0126-8643

Hazmi, Helmy and Wan Rosli, W. I. and Abd Jalil, Rohana and Gan, Siew Hua and Hamid, Noor Fadzlina and Harun, Rosliza and Shafei,, Mohd Nazri and Ibrahim, Mohd Ismail and Wan Bebakar, Wan Mohamad and Ismail, Shaiful Bahri and Musa, Kamarul Imran (2015) Traditional Cardiovascular risk-factors among healthcare workers in Kelantan, Malaysia. Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health, 46 (3). pp. 504-511. ISSN 0125-1562

Wan Rosli, W. I. and Nor Maihiza, M. S. and Raushan, M. (2015) The ability of oyster mushroom in improving nutritional composition, β-glucan and textural properties of chicken frankfurter. International Food Research Journal, 22 (1). pp. 311-317. ISSN 2231 7546

Marina, A. M. and Wan Rosli, W. I. and Neoh, S. L. (2014) Frying Quality of Virgin Coconut Oil as Affected by Zea mays Extract. Sains Malaysiana, 43 (9). pp. 1311-1315. ISSN 0126-6039

Nurul, A. A. and Jonathan, M. A. and Jamaruddin, M. A. and Wan Rosli, W. I. (2014) Immunomodulatory Effects of Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus sajor-caju) Extract In Balb/c Mice. Research & Reviews in Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical sciences, 3 (3). pp. 27-32. ISSN 2320-1215

Nik Norliza, N. H. and Tengku Farah Adilah, T. A. and Siti Hajar, M. and Wan Amir Nizam, W.A. and Wan Rosli, W. I. (2014) Does Extract of Pleurotus sajor-caju affect Liver Enzymes and Histological Integrity? Annals of Microscopy , 14. pp. 18-25. ISSN 0219-2209

Ng, Sze Han and Wan Rosli, W. I. (2014) Effect of Cinnamon Powder Addition on Nutritional Composition, Physical Properties and Sensory Acceptability of Butter Biscuits. Malaysian Journal of Nutrition, 20 (2). pp. 245-253.

Chow, Yuh Nien and Wan Rosli, W. I. (2014) Effects of Young Corn Ear Addition on Nutritional Composition and Acceptability of Conventional Cake. Malaysian Journal of Nutrition, 20 (1). pp. 93-99. ISSN 1394-035X

Wan Rosli, W. I. and Chow, Yuh Nien (2014) Effects of Young Corn Ear Addition on Nutritional Composition and Acceptability of Malaysian Star Cake (Baulu Cermai)(Kesan Penambahan Jagung Muda Terhadap Komposisi Pemakanan dan Penerimaan Kek Bintang Malaysia (Baulu Cermai)). Sains Malaysiana, 43 (10). pp. 1503-1508. ISSN 0126-6039

Wan Rosli, W. I. and Nurul Ain, I (2014) Morphological Characterizations of Selected Brown Rice Commercially Available in East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Annals of Microscopy, 14. pp. 6-17. ISSN 0219-2209

Lim, S. L . and Wan Rosli, W. I. (2014) Nutritional Composition and Lipid Oxidation Stability of Beef Patties Packed with Biodegradable and Non-Biodegradable Materials (Kestabilan Komposisi Makanan dan Pengoksidaan Lemak Burger Daging yang Dibungkus dengan Bahan Mudah Urai dan Tidak Mudah Urai Secara Biologi). Sains Malaysiana, 43 (8). pp. 1197-1203. ISSN 0126-6039

Wan Rosli, W. I. and Solihah, M.A. (2014) Nutritional Composition and Sensory Properties of Oyster Mushroom-based Patties Packed with Biodegradable Packaging (Komposisi Pemakanan dan Ciri Sensori Burger Berasaskan Cendawan Tiram yang Dibungkus dengan Pembungkus Terurai Secara Biologi). Sains Malaysiana, 43 (1). pp. 65-71. ISSN 0126-6039

Wan Rosli, W. I. and Solihah, M.A. (2014) Nutritive qualities of patties prepared with mixture of meat and oyster mushroom. International Food Research Journal, 21 (5). pp. 2001-2006. ISSN 2231 7546

Anis Jauharah, M. Z. and Wan Rosli, W. I. and Daniel Robert, S (2014) Physicochemical and Sensorial Evaluation of Biscuit and Muffin Incorporated with Young Corn Powder (Penilaian Fizikokimia dan Sensori Biskut dan Mufin yang Ditambah Serbuk Jagung Muda). Sains Malaysiana, 43 (1). pp. 45-52. ISSN 0126-6039

Fatariah, Z. and Zulkhairuazha, T.Y. Tg. and Wan Rosli, W. I. (2014) Quantitative HPLC Analysis of Gallic Acid in Benincasa hispida Prepared with Different Extraction Techniques (Analisis Kuantitatif HPLC terhadap Asid Galik dalam Benincasa hispida yang Disediakan dengan Pelbagai Teknik Pengekstrakan). Sains Malaysiana, 43 (8). pp. 1181-1187. ISSN 0126-6039

Wan Rosli, W. I. and Che Mohd Zin, Che Anis Jauharah and Sathyasurya, Daniel Robert (2014) Young Corn Ear Addition Improves Some Nutrients and Lowering Glycemic Index of Chiffon Cake. Food and Nutrition Sciences, 5. pp. 1545-1553. ISSN 2157-9458

Nik Fakurudin,, N. A. and Solihah, M.A. and Wan Rosli, W. I. (2013) Ultra structural Description of Young Corn (Zea mays L) Ear. Annals of Microscopy , 13. pp. 14-22. ISSN 0219-2209

Aishah, M. S. and Wan Rosli, W. I. (2013) Effect of Different Drying Techniques on the Nutritional Values of Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus sajor-caju)(Kesan Teknik Pengeringan Berbeza terhadap Nilai Pemakanan Cendawan Tiram (Pleurotus sajor-caju). Sains Malaysiana, 42 (7). pp. 937-941. ISSN 0126-6039

Ng, S. H. and Wan Rosli, W. I. (2013) Effect of cornsilk (Maydis stigma) addition in yeast bread: investigation on nutritional compositions, textural properties and sensory acceptability. International Food Research Journal, 20 (1). pp. 339-345. ISSN 2231-7546

Nurhanan, A.R. and Wan Rosli, W. I. (2013) Evaluation of Polyphenol Content and Antioxidant Activities of Some Selected Organic and Aqueous Extracts of Cornsilk (Zea mays Hairs). Journal of Medical and Bioengineering (JOMB), 1 (1). pp. 47-50. ISSN 2301-3796

Marina, A. M. and Wan Rosli, W. I. and Noorhidayah, M. (2013) Quantitative Analysis of Peroxide Value in Virgin Coconut Oil by ATRFTIR Spectroscopy. The Open Conference Proceedings Journal, 4 (Supp.2). pp. 53-56. ISSN 2210-2892

Lim, J. Y. and Wan Rosli, W. I. (2013) The ability of Zea mays ears (Young Corn) powder in enhancing nutritional composition and changing textural properties and sensory acceptability of yeast bread. International Food Research Journal, 20 (2). pp. 799-804. ISSN 2231-7546

Aishah, M. S. and Wan Rosli, W. I. (2013) The effect of addition of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus sajor-caju) on nutrient composition and sensory acceptation of selected wheat- and rice-based products. International Food Research Journal, 20 (1). pp. 183-188. ISSN 2231-7546

Wan Rosli, W. I. and Solihah, M.A. and Shazwan, Z. (2013) The stability of nutritional composition and physical traits of chicken patty containing oyster mushroom packed with biodegradable and non-degradable packaging materials. International Food Research Journal, 20 (2). pp. 783-789. ISSN 2231-7546

Mohsin, S. S. J. and Nik Norliza, N. H. and Nik Fakurudin,, N. A. and Jamaruddin, M. A. and Ismail, A. A. and Wan Rosli, W. I. (2012) Scanning Electron Microscopic Investigation of the Eviscerated Strands of Perhentian Island Bohadschia spp. Annals of Microscopy , 12. pp. 10-13. ISSN 0219-2209

Wan Rosli, W. I. and Aishah, M. S. (2012) Pleurotus sajor-caju (PSC) Improves Nutrient Contents and Maintains Sensory Properties of Carbohydrate-based Products. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 6. pp. 488-490. ISSN 2010-3778

Wan Rosli, W. I. and Nurhanan, A. R. and Aishah, M. S. (2012) Effect of Partial Replacement of Wheat Flour with Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus sajor-caju) Powder on Nutritional Composition and Sensory Properties of Butter Biscuit (Kesan Penggantian Sebahagian Tepung Gandum dengan Serbuk Cendawan Tiram Kelabu (Pleurotus sajor-caju) terhadap Komposisi Pemakanan dan Ciri-ciri Sensori Biskut Mentega). Sains Malaysiana, 41 (12). pp. 1565-1570. ISSN 0126-6039

Wan Rosli, W. I. and Solihah, M.A. (2012) Effect on the addition of Pleurotus sajor-caju (PSC) on physical and sensorial properties of beef patty. International Food Research Journal, 19 (3). pp. 993-999. ISSN 2231-7546

Wan Rosli, W. I. and Rohana, A. J. and Gan, Siew Hua and Noor Fadzlina, H. and Rosliza, H. and Helmy , H. and Mohd Nazri, S. and Mohd Ismail , I. and Shaiful Bahri, I. and Wan Mohamad, W. B. and Kamarul Imran, M. (2012) Fat content and EPA and DHA levels of selected marine, freshwater fish and shellfish species from the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia. International Food Research Journal, 19 (3). pp. 815-821. ISSN 2231-7546

Solihah, M.A. and Wan Rosli, W. I. (2012) Phytochemicals screening and total phenolic content of Malaysian Zea mays hair extracts. International Food Research Journal, 19 (4). pp. 1533-1538. ISSN 2231-7546

Nurhanan, A. R. and Wan Rosli, W. I. and Mohsin, S. S. J. (2012) Total Polyphenol Content and Free Radical Scavenging Activity of Cornsilk (Zea mays hairs) (Kandungan Polifenol Jumlah dan Aktiviti Perencatan Radikal Bebas dalam Rerambut Jagung Muda (Zea mays Hairs). Sains Malaysiana, 41 (10). pp. 1217-1221. ISSN 0126-6039

Wan Rosli, W. I. and Solihah, M.A. and Nik Fakurudin,, N. A. and Aishah, M. S. and Mohsin, S. S. J. (2011) The Effect of Pleurotus sajor-caju (PSC) Addition on the Nutritional Composition and Sensory Properties of Poultry-Based Patty. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 5. ISSN 2010-3778

Wan Rosli, W. I. and Aishah, M. S. and Nik Fakurudin,, N. A. and Mohsin, S. S. J. (2011) Morphological and nutritional study of hot air dried (Bio-dehydation system) oyster mushroom (Pleurotus sajor-caju). Annals of Microscopy , 11. pp. 37-43. ISSN 0219-2209

Wan Rosli, W. I. and Solihah, M.A. and Aishah, M. S. and Nik Fakurudin,, N. A. and Mohsin, S. S. J. (2011) Colour, textural properties, cooking characteristics and fibre content of chicken patty added with oyster mushroom (Pleurotus sajor-caju). International Food Research Journal, 18. pp. 612-618. ISSN 2231-7546

Wan Rosli, W. I. and Nurhanan, A. R. and Solihah, M.A. and Mohsin, S. S. J. (2011) Cornsilk (Zea mays Hairs) Improves Nutrient, Physical Traits without Affecting Sensory Properties of Chicken Patties (Sutera Jagung (Rambut Zea mays) Memperbaiki Nutrien, Ciri-Ciri Fizikal Tanpa Mengubah Sifat-Sifat Penilaian Deria Burger Ayam). Sains Malaysiana, 40 (10). pp. 1165-1172. ISSN 0126-6039

Wan Rosli, W. I. and Nurhanan, A. R. and Solihah, M.A. and Mohsin, S. S. J. (2011) Cornsilk Improves Nutrient Content and Physical Characteristics of Beef Patties (Sutera Jagung Memperbaiki Kandungan Nutrien dan Ciri-Ciri Fizikal Burger Daging). Sains Malaysiana, 40 (2). pp. 155-161. ISSN 0126-6039

Wan Rosli, W. I. and Solihah, M.A. and Mohsin, S. S. J. (2011) On the ability of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus sajor-caju) confering changes in proximate composition and sensory evaluation of chicken patty. International Food Research Journal, 18 (4). pp. 1463-1469. ISSN 2231-7546

Wan Rosli, W. I. and Nurhanan, A. R. and Solihah, M.A. and Mohsin, S. S. J. (2010) Maydis stigma Improves Physical Traits and Unchanged Sensory Properties of Beef and Chicken Patties. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 4. pp. 1108-1112. ISSN 2010-3778

Wan Rosli, W. I. and Nurhanan, A. R. and Farid, C. G. and Mohsin, S. S. J. (2010) Effect of Sodium Hydroxyde (NaOH) and Sodium Hypochlorite (NaHClO) on Morphology and Mineral Concentration of Zea mays Hairs (cornsilk). Annals of Microscopy , 10. pp. 4-10. ISSN 0219-2209

Wan Rosli, W. I. and Babji, A.S. and Aminah, A. and Foo, S. P. and Abd. Malik, O. (2010) Effect of retorting and oven cooking on the nutritional properties of beef frankfurters blended with palm oils. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 61 (5). pp. 519-535. ISSN 1465-3478

Wan Rosli, W. I. and Jasmine, K. and Mohsin, S. S. J. and Farid, C. G. (2010) Variable pressure scanning electron microscopy (VPSEM) and atomic absorption spectrometer characterization of Zea mays (Maydis stigma) hairs. Malaysian Journal of Microscopy, 4 (1). pp. 64-72. ISSN 18237010

Wan Rosli, W. I. and Nurhanan, A. R. and Mohsin, S. S. J. and Farid, C. G. (2008) Aqueous, Alcoholic Treated and Proximate Analysis of Maydis stigma (Zea mays Hairs). Annals of Microscopy , 8. pp. 66-72. ISSN 0219-2209

Wan Rosli, W. I. and Babji, A.S. and Aminah, A. (2007) Lipid Profile, Apparent Digestibility and Protein Efficiency Ratio of Sprague Dawley Rats Fed With Red Palm Fat Diets. ASEAN Food Journal, 14 (3). pp. 153-160. ISSN 2231-7546

Wan Rosli, W. I. and Babji, A.S. and Aminah, A. and Foo, S. P. and Abd Malik, O. (2006) Vitamin E contents of processed meats blended with palm oils. Journal of Food Lipids, 13. pp. 186-198. ISSN 1745-4522

Wan Rosli, W. I. and Babji, A.S. and Aminah, A. and Foo, S. P. and Abd Malik, O. (2005) Effects of Processing on Nutritional and Sensory Qualities of Beef Burgers Incorporated With Palm Fats. Malaysian Journal Of Nutrition, 11 (2). pp. 165-175. ISSN 1394-035X

Wan Rosli, W. I. and Babji, A.S. and Aminah, A. and Foo, S. P. and Abd Malik, O. (2004) Carotene contents of processed meats blended with palm fats. ASEAN Food Journal, 13 (4). pp. 201-210. ISSN 2231-7546

Wan Rosli, W. I. and Babji, A.S. and Alina, A. R. and Mohd Suria, A. Y. and Foo, S. P. (2003) Palm Fats as Animal Fat Analogues in Beef Burgers. ASEAN Food Journal, 12 (4). pp. 191-197. ISSN 2231-7546

Jinap, S. and Wan Rosli, W. I. and Russly, A. R. and Nordin, L. M. (1998) Effect of Roasting Time and Temperature on Volatile Component Profiles during Nib Roasting of Cocoa Beans (Theobroma cacao). Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 77. pp. 441-448. ISSN 1097-0010

Conference or Workshop Item

Wan Rosli, W. I. and Daniel Robert, S and Anis Jauharah, M. Z. (2014) Cornlettes Improves Dietary Content and Reducing Glycemic Index of Selected Baked Products. In: International Conference on Food Innovation (INNOVAFOOD-2014), 27th to 29th August 2014, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia.

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