Ganapathy, Malini Alp N.G.
Using The Multiliteracies Approach To Promote Learner
Engagement In An Esl Classroom: A Case Study In A Selected
School In Penang.
Masters thesis, Perpustakaan Hamzah Sendut.
This study is primarily an investigation of using the Learning by Design
Framework (LBO F) underlying the Multiliteracies Approach (MLA) to promote
learner engagement in an ESL classroom. The study also analyses students'
. perceptions of their learning experiences using the MLA to acquire their language
skills in the ESL classroom. The study further examines teachers' perceptions of
the LBO using the MLA for literacy pedagogy in the ESL classroom to determine
the extent of its effect on students' ability in demonstrating the knowledge
processes based on the MLA of lessons. The study also aims to produce a set of
guidelines that will help teachers design and implement learning experiences
based on the teachers' perceptions of the MLA. The conceptual framework that
underpins the study includes theoretical studies in second language acquisition
and approaches to teaching and learning contexts in ESL classrooms. The
sample comprises 33 secondary school students and five ESL teachers in
Convent Light Street Secondary School in Penang. The study employs both
quantitative and qualitative data collection techniques such as questionnaires,
semi-structured interviews and student journals. The sample of 33 Form Four
students kept student journals to record their learning experiences based on the MLA lessons (16 weeks). The qualitative data from interviews and student
journals were analysed, categorised and sorted into the domains that reflect the
perceptions of teachers and students. Respondents' perceptions and opinions of
the LBDF underlying the MLA are presented in the findings, which are illustrated
through the use of excerpts from interview responses and journal entries. The
findings of the study indicate that the LBDF underlying the MLA has crucial
implications for improving the quality of teaching and learning in schools. This
study shows that students' academic achievement is positively correlated to
integration of leT when the teacher addresses their real world needs in the
classroom setting by integrating technology as an educational tool which enables
the achievement of learning outcomes successfully. This ease study reveals that
the MLA to teaching and learning through the knowledge processes in the LBDF
ensures that students would be able to understand the knowledge and skills that
they acquire through collaborative activities where students felt that they were
self-motivated and possessed the desire to explore, discover and critically
assess relevant materials.
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