Abdul Razak, Sulaiman
Comprehensive neonatal screening of development dysplastic of idp in babies
delivered with breech presentation.
Pusat Pengajian Sains Perubatan.
Tualang honey is obtained from large honeycombs produced by Asian bees (Apis dorsata) in gigantic Tualang
trees. It has been used traditionally by local communities to treat wounds. However, unlike manuka honey its medicinal uses are not well
researched. An open, prospective study Into the efficacy of wound healing in fuil thickness wounds in rats, was designed to compare honey
impregnated dressings with silver-impregnated hydrofibre dressings on full-thickness wound created on the dorsum of Sprague-Dawley rats
(n=45). Tualang honey impregnated paraffin tulle (P-honey) and ~Jalang honey impregnated hydrofibre dressings (H·honey) were
compared with silver-containing hydrofibne dressing (positive control; H·Ag).
Tualang honey impregnated dressings were comparable to the commercialiy available silver impregnated hydrofibre dressing in
tenns of adherence, ease of removal, ftuid accumulation, dryness cf surrounding skin and exudates. Tile rates cf wound healing, wound
contracture and subsequent histological analysis of inflammatory reaction by each dressing were also comparable.
I Condusions: Tualang honey impregnated dressings were as effective as silver impregnated roydrofibre dressings in tenms of dressing
properties, promotion of wound healing and inflammatory reaction.
Proses dan Bahan Kajian: Madu tualang adalah sejenis madu yang dihasilkan oleh lebah asia yang bersarang pada pokok tualang. 5ecara
tradisi ianya telah digunakan oleh penduduk tempatan di dalam perawatan luka. Berbeza dengan madu Manuka, kajian mengenainya adalah
temad. Kajian prospektif ini telah di!akukan untuk membandingkan keberl<esanao :nadu tualang berbanding dengan bahan rawtan luka
komersial (Silver impregnated hydrofiber) I Keputusan: Madu Tualang adalah setara dengan bahan rawatan luka komersil dari segi kesesuaian, senang untuk ditukar, penyerapan
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