Gnandev, Pbutane
57th. Annual National Conference of Indian Society of
Anaestbesiologists 2009
Chennai, India
26 - 30 Dis ember 2009.
Pusat Pengajian Sains Perubatan.
Background end goals of study. to evaluate the eflicacy,safety,tolerability & side effect between
of pregabalin, gabapentin and topiramate in chronic pain management
Methods: Prospective, double blind,randomized controlled trial of 12 weeks duration comparing
pregabalin, gabapentin & topiramate. Study was conducted on patient with chronic pain clinic at
LLRH, Kanpur. Participants were 120 patients with chronic pain. Tha primary outcome was
difference between pregabalin, gabapentine & topiramate in chronic pain, as measured by the
mean VAS score computed over weekly of each treatment period.Secondary outcomes were
changes in mood, quality of life & psychomotor functions.Side effects were measured by
questionnaire. Patient received a maximum dally dose of 600 mg gabapentine or 400 mg
pregabalin or 1 00 mg topiramate along with 300 mg aceclofenac
Results: Mean baselineVAS was 69.6 mm (29.4-95.2) on a scale of 0-100mm.120 patients were
included in the available case analysis & 30 patients in the per protocol analysis. The mean score
was 6mm longer for gabapentine than for pregabalin & topiramate in the available case analysis &
5.6 mm in the per protocol analysis.
Cone/us/on: Gabapentine provided better pain relief than the pregabalin & topiramate & had
slightly fewer side effects, well tolerable, although no major adverse events occur for either drug.
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