Chew Keng, Sheng
The 16th international symposium on critical care and emergency medicine 2009.
Pusat Pengajian Sains Perubatan.
The practice of allowing family members to witness on·goh')gilc:tiye resuscitation
has been gaining grounds in many .9evelop~d cquntries since-tfWiSfirit introduced in
the early 1990s.ln many Asian countries, the acceptability of ~~~has not been
~~- ..
Methods '
' This Is the ptehrniriary flnll[ng '_!>nn!>ngoirijf \i!lliiil~IY; s~")llj~ded selfadrtliniStered
questionnaire ~y frorn l'loVernber 2008 tO NOveoil~f 2IJ09 to look into of heatthdire~ti>wiltds.a!IOwi~filrnil~ ptiosl!iice l.l'llrlng·resuscltation
.. _ ;t=f~~~~~~~t,w;:<?JT~~~·~~~~ergency
rnp~J .. ~!II\1UP to. 36 responders or 83.7%1
Perf!·> " ".· .f. i n~·~i9f._PI'PI'S rituals Qr·n.·te._ s, .including.. prayer a.nd
ab~ !h..W. ~--iA<Ilvklllal ~ur~ oilost ~mat on~, pjood,otal~ng.
sellin~if!travenous cannula should pe. abo wed to be Wit~essed.
The.«>nceptofailoWingf•rniiV presence Is not well accepted by our !taffs although
most of them agree that they have a right to be around.
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