Rashidah, Shuib
An exploratory study on women's innovativeness
using gender analysis framework.
Universiti Sains Malaysia.
The objectiw of this study is to assess the le\Eis of Entrepreneunal Onentation (EO) and women leadership on new
innoiE!tion contextualised within institutional and family roles. Women's position at societal and home are
multifaceted and their entry in entrepreneurship is often intertw111ed wtth gender roles and mstimional structures
Existing EO model is not gender responsiw nor does rt address gender-related constratnts that form barriers to
many of women micro-entrepreneurs to access credit and entrepreneurial opportumlies. Addressing the constraints. which are
possibly structural or soc1o-cultural, could enhance EO among them. Since women percei~.ed entrepreneunal
opportumlies and necess1ties differently than men, increased innovatiw offenngs as economy delefoped. v..-ere
motii.eted more by opportunity rather than necessity, and percel..ed opportumties as directly hnked with
entrepreneurial capabilities (managenal and leadershtp), the study will haw a strong impact on enhancing women's
abilities (sioning and charting) to exploit new opportunities instrumental in entrepreneurship and mo~o~ng the
economy up the wlue chain. Additionally. Malaysian women enterpnse owners demonstrated poSilr.e assun1latio''
In entrepreneurial and market orientation dimensions allhough they eXhibited higher than a<.erage fear for failure
when compared to Taiwanese and Chinese wornt'fl As most of the local researches mainly focused on SMEs
mcluding women entrepreneurs. studying micro-entrepreneurs is lim ely to recognize thelf maJor representation and
ownership of the total women's SMEs economy which contnbtnes sigmficantly to Malaysta GOP's growth (32.5
%). As e-.idenced in the 10th Malaysia Plan, institutional enablers haw been set to accelerate entrepreneurshipinwsling
in creatt-.ity. raising the capabilities and capacities for knQ!.~edge and innowlion of specifically the
boltom 40% population through entrepreneur dewlopment programmes. The study will recommend the gender
' responsiw model of Entrepreneunal One•ltation us~ng Social Relalions Approach for pol1cy dewlopment to
lewrage on v.oomen's pol entiat and innovali\Eness for growth in SMEs and Malaysia's GOP. Both quahtauw and
quantilali ,e data collection iMll be employed.
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