Sabiani, Nor Habsah Md.
Pengkomposan Sisa Taman Menggunakan Kaedah Timbunan
Statik Berudara Dan Deram Berputar.
Masters thesis, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
The present work studied the composting of yard waste from Pulau Burung Sanitary
In this Landfill. study, the two methods of composting that were analyzed are aerated static pile (ASP) and rotary drum (RD). In the ASP method, aeration was carried out both mechanically by an air blower and by manual turning. While in the
RD method, air was supplied by manual turning (rotation). Yard waste (YW) and
cow manure (CM) were used as substrates. The study was divided into three stages
i.e Stage I to III. Stage I involved the study to determine the physical and chemical
characterization of yard waste such as weight, composition, size distribution, bulk
density, moisture content, pH, C:N ratio, nutrient and heavy metal content.
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