Ali, Nor Huda Mat
A prospective, randomized study of tissue adhesive
Versus standard wound closure technique for
Laparoscopic abdominal procedure.
Other thesis, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
To compare the effecti veness of cyanoacrylate ti ssue adhes ive vv ith
convent ional suture in closing laparoscopic abdominal incision.
Design: Prospecti ve, randomized controlled study
Setting: Gynaecology ward of Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan. Kuantan from April
2005 ti ll November 2006.
Participants: 64 patients for laparoscopi c abdominal procedure
Methodology: Pati ents were chosen based on inclusion and exclusion criteria . They
were then randomly assigned to recci\"C either ti ssue adhesi\·e or suture.
Main outcome measure: Time taken for skin closure. Post operative day one.
Complications such as haematoma formation, wound infection .wound dehiscence as
well as patient" s satisfaction.
Sixty four patients were recruited into the study: 32 m suture group and 32 in tissue
adhesive group. Both groups were comparable with respect to age. parity. education
level. type of occupation and number of hol es.
There was a significant difference in the time taken for skin clos ure (suture: 7.0±4.2 .
ti ssue aclhesivc:4.3± 1.0, p=0.002). No difference in Day I post operative pain
(suture:3.8±2.0. ti ssue adhesive:4.3± 1.7.p=0.344). No patients were reported to have any
haematoma at either day 7 and clay 21 . No significant difference in wound in fect ion and
wound dehiscence at day 7 and clay 21 in each groups. Patients sati sfa ction was also
comparable in either group (suture: 8.4± 1.5, tissue adhesive:8.0± 1.8 p=0.26 ). There was a
sioniticant difference in skin apposi tion at day 7 (suture:8. 1±0.7. tissue acl hesive:7.3± 1.2
p=O.OO 1 ). However no eli fference in skin apposit ion at clay 2 1.
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