Muhamad, Ayu Suzailiana
HVR-1 Sequence Analysis of Malay Population of Peninsular
Pusat Pengajian Sains Kesihatan, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
Sequence of hypervariable 1 (HVS-1) region was analyzed in 37 unrelated
Malay population of Peninsular Malaysia. Buccal cell samples were collected from
Universiti Sains Malaysia students that came from various parts of Peninsular
A 380 bp fragment of HVS-1 region was amplified using a set of primer, HVA 1
and HVB1. Agarose gel electrophoresis was carried to examine the Polymerase
Chain Reaction (PCR) product and the product was then purified prior to sequencing
using QIAquick PCR Purification kit (QIAGEN). From the total of 37 samples sent for
sequencing, only 25 samples were successfully sequenced.
The sequence for each sample was compared to the Anderson reference
sequence which act as a reference sequence to report for polymorphism; including
total of polymorphic site counted, haplotypes and haplogroup. From result obtained,
52% of the samples were classified under haplogroup M, 24% were classified under
haplogroup F, 16% were classified under haplogroup B and another 8% were
classified under other haplogroups. This result support the finding reported by other
researchers (Schurr and Wallace, 2002; Ballinger eta/., 1992).
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