Abdullah, Mardiaty Iryani
A preliminary study of donax arundastrum
Extracts on haematological parameters.
Pusat Pengajian Sains Kesihatan, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
This study was conducted with the objective of determining the effect of
Donax arundastrum extracts (Bemban) on haematological parameters.
The plant was obtained from swampy and lowland areas in Tumpat,
Kelantan. Information regarding the plant was obtained from the inhabitants of the
village nearby the collection sites. Subsequently the plant was extracted using
water and ethanol based extraction techniques. Rhizome part of the plant was
used for this preparation. Small pieces of rhizome was dried in hot air oven and
ground into powdered form. The extraction of powdered material was performed
with organic and non-organic solvents. The organic solvent used was absolute
ethanol and distilled water as non-organic or aqueous solution. The procedure
involved the use of Soxhlet apparatus for water based extraction and immersing
the sample with absolute ethanol. In obtaining the powder extracts, the techniques
employed include filtration, saturation and freeze-drying.
Water and ethanol extract of Donax arundastrum rhizome at the
concentration of 0.05 mg/ml was then tested on fresh blood. Calculation of
dosage was done based on the amount of powdered extract, volume of solvent
and blood volume to be tested. The study was conducted on 5 fresh blood
samples obtained from healthy volunteer donors. The blood samples were tested
after adding the extract at 0 minute, 30 minutes, 60 minutes, 90 minutes and 120
minutes intervals. Haematology analyzer was used to analyze the haematological
parameters. Analysis of haematological parameter was done based on the
changes occurred following treatment with the extract at the different time
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