Sirajudeen, K.N.S. and Sulaiman, Siti Amrah and Madhavan, M and Ismail, Zabidah
In vivo toxicity study of a plant Phyllanthus amarus, in rat.
In vivo toxicity study of a plant phyllanthus amarus, in rat.
Introduction: Phyllanthus amarus (P. amarus), a plant species of
Euphorbiaceae family, is used as a folk medicine for jaundice and other diseases
in Malaysia and other countries. The variation in their efficacy with geographical
location and varieties has been reported which has been attributed to their
constituent composition. But, so far no toxicity studies have been carried out on
this plant with clear documentation, especially with those plants growing in
Objective: The aim of this preliminary study was to determine the toxic side
effects of aqueous extract of leaves of P. amaros (grown in Malaysia) following
oral administration in rats by assessing the morphological, biochemical and
histological changes.
Materials & Methods: Sprague-Dawley rats weighing (180-230 grams) were
used as animal models in this study. Aqueous extract of leaves of P. amarus was
administered orally to male rats for acute toxicity study (5 gram I Kg body
weight) and to the male and female rats for chronic toxicity study (at the doses of
100, 400 and 800 mg/ Kg body weight/day for six weeks). Control of male and
female rats was also maintained without plant extract administration. Body weight
of the rats was taken initially and periodically once a week, till the end of
experimental period. At the end of experimental period (6 weeks), the rats were
sacrificed and analyzed for biochemical markers of liver injury - alanine
transaminase (AL T), aspartate transaminase (AST), alkaline phosphatase (ALP),
lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and total protein in the serum collected and the
marker enzymes were assayed in the homogenates of the rat liver. Liver sections
were taken for histological studies; Light microscopy, proliferative cell nuclear
antigen (PCNA) study and apoptotic study by using ApopTag kit.
Results: Acute admininstration of P. amarus extract, orally, even at a dose of
5 gram/Kg body weight) did. not produce any signs of toxicity or mortality. In the
chronic study, no significant differences (p>0.05) were obserVed ·between the
control and P. amarus extract administered rats in the body weight gain during
the experimental period as well as in the biochemical markers analyzed (ALT,
AST,ALP,LDH and total protein) in serum and liver homogenates. The non-toxic
nature of P. amarus extract administration was confirmed by histological studies
i.e., no observable changes were found between control and P.amarus extract
administered rats.
Conclusion: Acute oral administration of P.amarus extract is non-toxic to the rat
liver, even at a dose of 5 gram /kg body weight. The chronic toxicity study of P.
amarus extracts adm_ini~tration showe~ the absence of cum ulat1ve toxicity as
reflected by the non-stgntficant change tn the parameters studied as well as from
the results of the histological studies
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