Alghafri, Ali Salim Rashid
Effects Of Neuroscience-Based Thinking (NBT) And Thinking Skills (TS) Strategies On Thinking And Emotion Among Primary Schools Pupils.
PhD thesis, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of Neuroscience-Based Thinking
(NBT) strategy and Thinking Skills (TS) strategy on creative thinking and the
performance of science tasks (thinking and emotion) among Malaysian pupils in
primary schools. This study used quasi-experimental research design with one
control group and two experimental groups. Ninety eight pupils enrolled in standard
five during the 2010 educational year formed the sample. The two experimental
groups were named NBT and TS while prevalent strategy (P) as the control group.
The instruction was carried out by three different science teachers. These three
groups were measured twice (pretest and posttest) of three different instruments: the
Test of Creative Thinking (TCT), Science Task of Thinking (STT) and of Emotion
(STE). The instruments' reliabilities are good as showed by Cronbach alpha and
Pearson correlation. Inferential statistics, namely two ways ANCOVA and
MANCOVA tests, and LSD post hoc method were used at α .05 level to determine
statistically significant differences between study groups. The results showed that
there were significant differences between groups. The result of the test of creative
thinking in science and its sub-skills (fluency, flexibility and originality) indicated
that the pupils in NBT group scored higher as compared to TS and P groups in all
but one sub-skill (fluency) where TS group has better score. Likewise, the TS pupils
are higher than P pupils except in originality where both were similar. Similarly, the
results of thinking and emotion of science tasks revealed that the pupils of NBT
scored higher than TS and P groups in their thinking and emotion. Furthermore, the
results revealed that there were no significant differences in posttest between gender
in all groups. Similarly, there were no significant in interaction effects in post-test
between all groups and both gender on all variables yet the female pupils of TS
group have high scores in fluency. Therefore, the study recommends that educators
should work to enhance learning and creativity among pupils by employing
neuroscience principles in teaching and learning process by integrating them into
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