Ab.Lah, Nurzulaikha Mahd
Structural equation modeling of self-esteem, motives of participating in physical activity and duration of physical activity among adolescents in Kota Bharu, Kelantan.
Masters thesis, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
Introduction: Physical activity (PA) is an important daily routine that can maintain our
health, whereas engaging in sedentary lifestyle can cause lifestyle-related diseases. There is
no age limit of being active, but it is important to start from early age. Motivation of
participating in PA is important to motivate people to sustain their PA regularly. Selfesteem
could be a trigger factor to motivate people to increase the duration of PA. This
study attempted to uncover how much self-esteem, motives of participating in any PA, and
the duration of PA are related among adolescents, specifically in secondary school students
in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Objective: The study aimed to assess the level of self-esteem and
motives of participating in PA and to ensure that both constructs are reliable and valid
measures. Then, the inter-relationships between self-esteem, motives of participating in PA
and duration of PA were examined using structural equation modeling (SEM). Method: A
cross-sectional study was conducted among secondary schools‟ students in Kota Bharu,
Kelantan using self-administered questionnaire. Participants were selected using cluster
sampling method. Three schools were randomly selected from a total of 48 schools in Kota
Bharu, Kelantan. The classes that involved in the study, within the selected schools were
determined by the schools‟ principal. Self-esteem was measured using State Self-esteem
Scale (SSES) and motives of participating in PA were measured using Physical Activity
Leisure Motivation Scale (PALMS-Y). The scales were translated into Malay language
using the standard procedure and there were named as SSES-M and PALMS-Y-M.
Descriptive, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), and SEM were used in statistical analysis.
Results: Participants were 783 secondary school students (female= 57.3%, male= 42.7%)
from Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Majority of the students were Malay (57.3%). Overall, theaverage of self-esteem and motives of participating in PA were 2.92 (SD=0.64) and 3.75
(SD=0.71) respectively. For measurement model assessment, SSES-M scale showed good
fit to the data after some improvement were made (CFI=0.966, TLI=0.949, SRMR=0.030,
RMSEA=0.040 (0.026, 0.055), Clfit p-value=0.861) with nine items remained. For
PALMS-Y-M, the majority of the fit indices were within the acceptable threshold values
(CFI=0.928, TLI=0.917, SRMR=0.048, RMSEA= 0.045 (0.042, 0.049), Clfit p-value=
0.982) with all items remained. The composite reliability for SSES-M and PALMS-Y-M
were ranged from 0.582-0.632 and 0.622-0.823 respectively. Overall, the final SEM model
showed a good fit to the data based on several fit indices (CFI=0.919, TLI=0.908,
SRMR=0.048, RMSEA=0.044 (0.040, 0.047), Clfit p-value=0.998) with five hypotheses
supported. The final SEM model explained 25% of the total variance in duration of PA,
which was statistically significant. Conclusion: The SEM model tested in the present study
provided useful insight in regard to the direct and indirect relationships among the study
variables. The finding from the present study could provide valuable information that could
help the teachers, health educators, health policy makers, and parents in promoting exercise
and physical activity among secondary school students.
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