Zainan, Ahmad Ezam
The Effects of Channa Striatus
Extract Administration on Wound
Healing Markers (il-6, Mmp-9 and Vegf)
in Post Lower Segment Caesarean
Section (lscs) Women.
Masters thesis, USM.
Channa Striatus (Haruan) digunakan secara meluas di Malaysia untuk
menggalakkan penyembuhan luka. Sejak turun temurun, C.striatus telah dipercayai
mempunyai sifat anti-radang, anti-oksida dan anti sakit untuk penyembuhan luka
yang lebih baik. Penyembuhan luka adalah satu proses dinamik yang melibatkan
empat fasa yang berbeza namun berlaku secara serentak dan bertindih iaitu
hemostasis, keradangan, percambahan dan pembentukan semula tisu. Proses yang
sangat rumit ini bermula dengan serta-merta selepas kecederaan dan melibatkan
tindakbalas yang tersusun antara pelbagai jenis tisu-tisu dan sel-sel. Di dalam proses
penyembuhan ini, leukosit, makrophaj dan sel endothelial akan mengeluarkan
pelbagai faktor-faktor pertumbuhan dan sitokin seperti Interleukin 6 (IL-6), Matrix
Metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) dan Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF). IL-
6 mengawal penghasilan leukosit ke kawasan inflammasi.
Channa striatus (ikan haruan) is widely consumed in Malaysia to promote
wound healing. For centuries, C.striatus has been proposed to have antiinflammatory, anti-oxidant and anti-nociceptive properties for better healing of the
wound. Wound healing is a dynamic process that involves four disticnt yet an
overlapping phases; haemostasis, inflammation, proliferation and tissue remodeling.
It starts immediately after injury and proceeds with a complicated but well-organized
interaction among various types of tissues and cells. During wound healing process,
leukocytes, macrophages and endothelial cell release various growth factors and
cytokines such as interleukin 6 (IL-6), matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9) and
vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). IL-6 regulates leukocytes recruitment to
the inflammatory sites.
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