Moghaddam, Sedigheh
Cognitive, Psycho-physiological
And Physical Benefits Of Aerobic Exercise
And Milk Consumption Among Female Secondary
School Students.
PhD thesis, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenalpasti kelebihan/kebaikan dari segi kognitif, psikofisiologikal dan fizikal terhadap latihan senaman aerobik dan pengambilan susu dalam
kalangan murid perempuan sekolah menengah. Kajian ini melibatkan dua fasa. Fasa
awal melibatkan 93 murid perempuan berumur 16 tahun yang telah dipilih secara rawak
dan dikategorikan kepada empat kumpulan eksperimen iaitu; kumpulan susu, kumpulan
latihan senaman, kumpulan gabungan susu dan latihan senaman dan kumpulan kawalan.
Pelajar yang terlibat sebagai peserta kajian kumpulan susu mengambil 250ml susu
rendah lemak sehari selama lima hari persekolahan pada masa yang ditetapkan.
The objectives of the present study were to identify the cognitive, psycho-physiological
and physical benefits of aerobic exercise and milk consumption among female
secondary school students. The intervention was conducted in two preliminary and main
studies, separately. In the preliminary phase, ninety three female students aged 16 years
old were randomly assigned in the four study groups: milk, exercise, combined and
control groups. The participants in the milk group consumed 250ml/day low fat milk for
five days of school days at specific time and the participants in the exercise group
attended an aerobic dance exercise twice a week and the participants in the combined
group consumed 250ml/day low fat milk consumption and attended aerobic exercise.
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