Zulkafli, Nur Azimah and Omar, Bahiyah and Hashim, Nor Hazlina
Selective Exposure to Berita Harian Online and
Utusan Malaysia Online:
The Roles of Surveillance Motivation, Website Usability and
Website Attractiveness.
The Journal of the South East Asia Research centre for Communications and Humanities, 6 (2).
pp. 25-45.
ISSN 2229-872X
News media allows audiences to be selective in determining both their news sources
and type of news stories they read. This study examined factors influencing selective
exposure to the online editions of two mainstream Malaysian newspapers, Berita
Harian and Utusan Malaysia. Using selective exposure theory as the theoretical
lens, this study compared both newspapers in terms of their audiences’ level of
surveillance motivation, and how audiences rate the newspapers’ websites with respect
to usability and attractiveness. This study used a within-subject experimental research
design that exposed 51 subjects to both Berita Harian and Utusan Malaysia online
newspapers. The results of the experiment indicate that Berita Harian and Utusan
Malaysia online were significantly different in terms of website usability; however,
no significant differences were found in terms of surveillance motivation or website
attractiveness between the two newspapers. Further analysis indicate that the only
significant predictor of selective exposure was website usability. This study highlights
the importance of website usability for online newspapers wanting to harness audience
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