Mutiarin, Dyah
The transformation of local governance and public participation : a study of four villages in Java after the reformasi.
PhD thesis, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
Gerakan reformasi telah membawa perubahan hampir di segala aspek kehidupan
sosial di Indonesia. Seiring dengan tuntutan ke arah demokrasi, Undang-Undang
No.22/1999 mengenai Pemerintahan Daerah telah menciptakan dasar hukum bagi
terbentuknya urustadbir tempatan yang baik dan lebih banyak partisipasi awam
dalam proses pembuatan keputusan negara. Undang-Undang ini memberikan
kekuatan politik yang lebih besar bagi parlimen tempatan (Dewan Perwakilan
Rakyat Daerah/DPRD) dan membentuk parlimen peringkat desa (Badan
Perwakilan Desa/BPD) di desa-desa.
Kajian ini memfokuskan pada transformasi urustadbir pada peringkat desa setelah
reformasi. Hujahnya adalah bahawa sekarang hubungan antara bupati dan DPRD
di peringkat kabupaten berbeda dengan hubungan antara lurah dan BPD di desa.
Di peringkat kabupaten ditemukan bahawa kekuasaan yang diberikan DPRD
secara awam telah disalahgunakan untuk kepentingan peribadi. Di peringkat desa
ditemukan bahawa BPD melakukan peranan penting dalam urustadbir peringkat
desa. Kenyataannya, kekuasaan terbagi antara BPD dan urustadbir peringkat
desa. Mekanisme kawal dan imbang semakin dapat dilakukan sehingga proses
pembuatan keputusan di peringkat desa menjadi lebih telus dan
bartanggungjawab. Kajian membuktikan bahawa perubahan-perubahan penting
telah berlaku dalam urustadbir peringkat desa, khasnya dalam BPD, di kalangan
pegawai pentadbiran peringkat desa, Lembaga Ketahanan Masyarakat
Desa/LKMD, Pembinaan Kesejahteraan Keluarga/PKK dan badan yang lain.
The reformasi movement brought about changes in nearly all aspects of social life
in Indonesia. Along with the thrust toward democracy, Law No.22/1999 on regional
administration has established the legal foundation for local good governance and
more public participation in the country's decision making process. This law grants
more political power to the district parliament (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah,
DPRD) and provides for the formation of the local council (Badan Perwakilan Desa,
BPD) in the villages.
This study focuses on the transformation of village governance after reformasi. It
argues that the current relationship between the Bupati and the DPRD in the
district level is different from that between the Lurah and the BPD in the village. At
the district level, it is found that the power that was given to the DPRD has been
generally misused for personal narrow interests. At the village level, it is found out
that the BPD has been taking up an important role in village governance. In fact,
power is shared between the BPD and the village government. A check and
balance mechanism is being put into place so that the decision-making process at
the village level is becoming more transparent and accountable. This study
documents important changes that have occurred in village administration,
particularly in the BPD, the village government officials, LKMD, PKK, and other
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