Abd Razak, Dzulkifli
Germ Warfare and the Zero-Sum Game.
The Sun.
AS IF THE USE OF TOXIC CHEMCALS and deadly bombs are not enough to bring destruction, some nations are
busying themselves with another frontier of warfare the
use deadly germs as biological weapons.
While there is as yet no report of largescale
use of germs as weapons, lately, there is evidences to indicate
that germs warfare did take place towards the end of World War Two. Biological warfare is banned under the
Geneva Protocol of 1925.
Theoretically, germs can be used as war weapons. Such microorganisms
can be used to infect human beings,
gradually poisoning them. For example, the bacteria Clostridium botulinum, a causative agent in food poisoning
by secreting the deadly botulinus toxin, can cause severe respiratory depression and death.
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