Zon, Khadijah
Pendidikan Perbandingan: Satu Catatan Awal Tentang Makna Ruanglingkup dan Tujuannya.
The Asia Pacific Journal of Educators and Education (formerly known as Journal of Educators and Education), 6 (1).
pp. 1-6.
ISSN 2289-9057
This article presents some preliminary notes on the Meaning, Scope and Purpose of Comparative
Education. The different definitions of Comparative Education are traced in the context of three
growth-phases of this field, namely the historical-cum-philosophical, the 'melioristic' and empiricaland-scientific phases, as have been defined by Kandel, Bereday, King, and Noah and Eckstein respec-'
tively. The common denominator of all these definitions is the 'cross-cultural perspective'. Tretheway
and Altbach propose also that Comparative Education look 'inwards' into the comparatists' own
nation-state and attempt to help resolve some of their own national educational problems before
enlarging their views to the global level. Generally one could say that Comparative Education has two
main purposes - intellectual and idealistic on the one hand, and pragmatic on the other - with each of
these categories incorporating other minor objectives.
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