Abd Razak, Dzulkifli
Bureaucracy in education.
New Sunday Times.
THE recent Global Competitiveness Report (GCR) 2005 released by the World Economic Forum ranks
Malaysia rather well.
Malaysia was placed 24th in growthcompetitiveness
among 117 nations, up seven places from the previous
This is in contrast to an earlier ranking by The Institute for Management Development’s World Competitiveness
Yearbook 2005, where Malaysia was placed about halfway
among 60 countries.
More specifically, the GCR 2005 ranking puts Malaysia’s spending as the secondleast
wasteful country after
Singapore, whereas Finland was 10th, United States 20th and Japan 68th.
This is consistent with the 2006 Budget emphasis in advocating a more prudent general spending so that
Malaysia can secure a better position in future rankings.
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