Koh, Cha San
Poplar Oxidoreduct Ases Involved In The Oxidative
Stress Response: A Crystallographic Snapshot
Towards The Understanding Of The Catalytic
PhD thesis, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
Penghasilan specIes oksigen reaktif (ROS) merupakan akibat daripada persekitaran
senti as a dalam keaadaan aerobik yang tidak boleh dielakkan dan ia boleh disingkirkan oleh
beberapa jenis sistem enzim sebaik sahaja dihasilkan. Tiga jenis oksidoreduktase (Glutathion
peroksidase, Gpx; thioredoksin, Trx; and glutaredoksin, Grx) daripada Populus trichocarpa x
deltoides (kayu keras jenis poplar) telah dicirikan melalui pendekatan biokimia dan kristalografi
X-ray. Gpxs terdiri daripada sekumpulan enzim yang mengawal tahap ROS dalam s~l dan
melindunginya daripada kerosakan oksidatif.
The production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) is an unavoidable consequence of
living in an aerobic environment and once produced, it can be removed by several different
enzyme systems. Three oxidoreductases (glutathione peroxidase, Gpx; thioredoxin, Trx and
glutaredoxin, Grx) from Populus trichocarpa x deltoides (poplar tree) were characterized
using biochemistry and X-ray crystallography approaches. Gpxs are a group of enzymes that
regulate the levels ofROS in cells, and protect them against oxidative damage.
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