Alias, Iskandar Zulkarnain
An Immunohistochemical, Study Of Survivin Expression In
Normal And In Transformed Cells.
PhD thesis, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
Survivin merupakan ahli barn dalam keluarga protin perencat apoptosis, secara terpilih
diekspres secara berlebihan dalam kebanyakan kanser tetapi tidak di dalam tisu dewasa
nonnaL Ia juga diekspres di dalarn rangkaian sel-sel kanser. Kajian ini dilakukan bagi
mengkaji secara asas dan klinikal tentang survivin di dalam sel normal- dan sel
tertransfonnasi. Amab telah diirnunkan dengan sintetik oligopeptida, jujukan asid
survivin. Antibodi serum ditulenkan dengan ammonium sulfat dan asid caprilik dan
speksifikasinya telah disahkan dengan teknik imrnunoblot dan ujian penyerapan awal
terhadap tisu positif survivin dan sintetik oligopeptidasurvivin. Antibodi ini telah
digunakan untuk -rnengesan survivin di dalam sel nonnal dan sel tertransfonnasi
menggunakan kaedah imunohistokirnia pada hirisan tisu fonnalin-paraffm dan diukur
menggunakan kaedah sistern pengskoran piawai dan analisis optimasi.
Survivin is a new member of the inhibitors of apoptosis protein (IAP) family, selectively
over-expressed in common human cancers but not in normal adult tissues. It is also
expressed in cancer cell lines. The study was performed generally to investigate the
basic and clinical roles of survivin in normal and transformed cells. Rabbits were
immunized with two synthetic oligopeptides, MGAPTLPP A WQP and
KEFEET AKKVRRAIEQLAAMD amino acids sequences of the survivin molecule.
Serum antibodies were purified by ammonium sulphate and caprilic acid and their
specificities were confirmed by immunoblo~ing and pre-absorption tests against
survivin positive tissues or synthetic survivin oligopeptides. These antibodies were used
to detect survivin in normal and transformed cells by immunohistochemistry in
formalin-fixed paraffin embedded tissue sections, evaluated by a standard scoring
system and chequerboard analysis.
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