Gui, Anderes
Determinant Of Information
Technology Project Success: The
Mediating Effect Of Information
Technology Governance In Banking
Industry In Indonesia.
PhD thesis, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
Projek Teknologi Maklumat(TM) dianggap berjaya jika ia dapat disiapkan dalam
masa yang ditetapkan, memenuhi skop yang ditetapkan, tidak melebihi kos yang
dianggarkan, memnuhi kualiti yang ditentukan dan memenuhi harapan pengguna..
Kajian ini mempunyai lima objektif dan ia adalah untuk mengkaji sama ada Kualiti
Audit Dalaman dan Kualiti Lembaga Pengarah mempengaruhi kejayaan sesuatu
projek; sama ada Kualiti Audit Dalaman dan Kualiti Lembaga Pengarah
mempengaruhi Tadbir Urus TM; sama ada Tadbir Urus TM akan membawa kepada
Kejayaan Projek TM dan sama ada Tadbir Urus TM boleh menjadi hubungan
pengantara di antara Kualiti Audit Dalaman dan Kualiti Lembaga Pengarah kepada
Kejayaan Projek TM.
Information technology (IT) projects are considered successful if they are able to be
completed within the stipulated time, meet the specified scope, do not exceed budget
allocated, meet quality specified, and meet users’ expectation. There are five
objectives of this study and they are to examine whether Internal Audit Quality and
Board of Director Quality will have an influence on IT Project Success; whether
Internal Audit Quality and Board of Director Quality will influence Information
Technology Governance; whether IT Governance will lead to IT Project Success and
whether IT Governance mediates the relationship between Internal Audit Quality and
Board of Director Quality to IT Project Success.
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