The Effects Of Constructivist-Strategies And Direct Instruction Using Multimedia On Achievement Among Learners With Different Psychological Profiles [LB1028.55. K82 2006 f rb].

Kong, Sow Lai (2006) The Effects Of Constructivist-Strategies And Direct Instruction Using Multimedia On Achievement Among Learners With Different Psychological Profiles [LB1028.55. K82 2006 f rb]. PhD thesis, Universiti Sains Malaysia.

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Soalan penyelidikan utama kajian adalah “Adakah dua strategi pengajaran yang berbeza menyumbang kepada perbezaan pembelajaran pada tugas ilmu berbeza paras untuk pelajar yang berbeza dalam ukuran psikologi bagi topik Kimia Jadual Berkala Unsur ?” The main research question of the study was “Do two different instructional strategies contribute to differences in learning at different levels of knowledge tasks for learners with different psychological profiles on the Chemistry topic of the Periodic Table ?”

Item Type: Thesis (PhD)
Subjects: L Education > LB Theory and practice of education > LB1025-1050.75 Teaching (Principles and practice)
Divisions: Pusat Pengajian Ilmu Pendidikan (School of Educational Studies) > Thesis
Depositing User: Mr Erwan Roslan
Date Deposited: 10 May 2009 23:59
Last Modified: 10 Feb 2017 10:01

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