Ihsan, Nurakmal Zarith Badrul
Malay translation, validation and
. reliability of hypersensitivity to sound
(giif) questionnaire: a preliminary study.
Project Report.
Universiti Sains Malaysia.
Prevalence of hyperacusis, especially in Malaysia population
has not been widely searched. A questionnaire name
Gerauschuberempfindlickeits (GUF) questionnaire was developed to
identify the levels of subjective distress related to hyperacusis. The
aim of this study is to translate and validate a Malay version of
Hypersensitivity to Sound (GUF). This is important to be used in
Malaysian population, where majority of the people speaks in the
Malay language. Thirty respondents were involved. They were
selected randomly among students and staffs of Health Campus,
USM. Forward and backward translation were completed on the
questionnaire, as well as content validity and reliability analysis.
Total agreement for forward and backward translation are 85%
respectively. Content validity revealed few item scored <3.5 and
suitable amendment had been done to improve the questionnaire.
Face validity revealed majority of participants agreed that language
used is appropriate, questionnaire is easy to understand and
vocabulary used is suitable among Malay-language users. The total
Cronbach’s alpha (a) value obtained upon calculation was 0.899,
which is closely similar to previous findings in other languages;
German a - 0.89 (Nelting et.al, 2002), Spanish a = 0.90 (Herraiz C. et. al., 2006) and English a = 0.889 (Adhiyah S., 2014). The alpha a
values for each domains are cognitive reactions to hyperacusis
(KRH) a = 0.889, somatic behaviour (ASV) a = 0.776 and emotional
reaction (ERG) a = 0.899. The overall a value of Malay version of
GUF questionnaire is reliable and considered good. However, the
questionnaire needed to be tested on hyperacusis patients to further
validate it. In conclusion, the findings in this preliminary study of
Malay version of Hypersensitivity to Sound (GUF) questionnaire can
be used to further validate the questionnaire among hyperacusis
patients Malaysian population who understand Malay language.
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