Ismail, Zaliha
Lung function and home indoor exposure to PM10 among 7-12
years old children in rural area of Tumpat, Kelantan.
Lung function and home indoor exposure to PM10 among 7-12 years old children in rural area of Tumpat, Kelantan.
INTRODUCTION: The co.n centration of in<!.o or particulate matter IO (PM10) was found
much higher concentration than outside and it was important because most of people spend
80% of their time if'l.door. It was noted that PM10 has an impact on human health especially
to the vulnerable group. It had significant negative effect on children lung function. The
aim of this study was to determine the relationship between lung function and exposure to ..
home indoor PM10 among 7-12 years old children in Mukim Simpangan, Tumpat,
METHODOLOGY: A cross sectional study was ca:i:ied out in four villages in Mukim
Simpangan, Jajahan Tumpat, Kelantan from April 2006 till August 2007. Total of 69
houses and 69 children were identified according to inclusion and exclusion criteria. This
study was started with a session of interview assisted self-administered questionnaire to the
selected house occupants based on ATS-DLD-78C questionnaire. Then, indoor PM10 level
of each selected houses were measured for 24 hours using an aerosol monitor. Lung
function test using portable spirometer was done for the child who lived in the house.
RESULTS: All participants were Malay with mean (SD) age of 10.0 (I.SI) years. The
mean of indoor PM10 level in this study was 104.0 (74.54) μg/m3
. Indoor activities such as
cooking and usage of mosquito coil were identified as the significant factors that
METHODOLOGY: A cross sectional study was ca:i:ied out in four villages in Mukim
Simpangan, Jajahan Tumpat, Kelantan from April 2006 till August 2007. Total of 69
houses and 69 children were identified according to inclusion and exclusion criteria. This
study was started with a session of interview assisted self-administered questionnaire to the
selected house occupants based on ATS-DLD-78C questionnaire. Then, indoor PM10 level
of each selected houses were measured for 24 hours using an aerosol monitor. Lung
function test using portable spirometer was done for the child who lived in the house.
RESULTS: All participants were Malay with mean (SD) age of 10.0 (I.SI) years. The
mean of indoor PM10 level in this study was 104.0 (74.54) μg/m3
. Indoor activities such as
cooking and usage of mosquito coil were identified as the significant factors that
contributed to indoor PM10. Outdoor factors that have influenced in indoor PMio level were
location of house from factory, main road and construction area; and frequency of heavy
vehicle passed by the houses. Mean (SD) of children's lung function such .ll§. FEV i, FVC
and ratio of FEV i/FVC ~ii' L6T (0.44) litre, 1.44 (0.39) litre and 86.33 (5.04) percent
respectively. Indoor PM10 level, duration of child living in that area and total number of
• •
cigare.tte that smokeJ! arouncl and in the hou-il"e per day by the family members have
negative association with at least one parameter of children's lung function. Father's levels
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of education and type of school transportation have positive association with at least one
parameter of children's lung function.
CONCLUSION: Indoor PMio level of 69 selected hquses in four villages in Mukim
Simpangan, Turnpat, Kelantan was low and still acceptable to our Malaysian Ambient Air
Quality Standard. Health programmes especially health promotion should be designed
based on the factors that influenced the indoor air pollution and children's lung function.
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