Othman, Masyatul Husna and Othuman Mydin, Md Azree
Condition and Defect Surveys on Penang Heritage Centre: A Case Study on Georgetown World Heritage Building.
Analele Universităţii "Eftimie Murgu" Reşiţa: Fascicola I, Inginerie, XIX (1).
pp. 185-192.
ISSN 1453-7397
Condition and defect surveys are process which appropriate experts
investigates the existing condition of a building, carry out necessary
tasks, evaluate the data collected, make the recommendations
professionally about the remedial and predict performance of the
building. This paper focuses on condition and defect surveys on Penang
Heritage Centre, Malaysia. This building is listed as one of the buildings
under Georgetown World Heritage Site. Penang Heritage Trust is a
heritage shop house designed with Southern Chinese Eclectic Style. It
has Chinese, European and Indian style influence. Chinese style
influence on the carved timber door, air vents, gable and end, air-well
and etc. While, European and Indian influences can be seen from the design of the louvered shutters and U/V-shaped terracotta roof tiles.
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