Ibrahim, Shamsudin
Transportation Optimization Model Of Palm Oil
Products For Northern Peninsular Malaysia.
PhD thesis, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
Dalam tesis ini, model matematik pemprograman integer telah dibangunkan untuk
menyelesaikan masalah pengangkutan minyak sawit mentah dan isirong sawit di Utara
Semenanjung Malaysia. Produk-produk ini berasal dari kilang sawit dan dihantar ke
destinasi masing-masing, kilang penapis and kilang pelumat isirong. Kedua-dua masalah
pengangkutan telah diselesai untuk mendapatkan pengagihan optimum bagi kilang ke
penapis dan kilang ke pelumat menggunakan fungsi objektif meminimumkan jarak
perjalanan. Kedua-dua penyelesaian memberikan jawapan pengagihan yang sarna sebab
pengeluaran minyak sawit mentah dan isirong adalah berkadar, untuk tiap-tiap produk
kapasiti lori adalah sarna, dan penapis dan pelumat terletak pada lokasi yang sarna.
Kajian telah diteruskan untuk melihat masalah lokasi kilang penapis, kilang pelumat,
dan satu cadangan kilang kertas yang menggunakan hampas tandan sawit sebagai bahan
In this thesis, integer mathematical programming models were developed to solve the
crude palm oil (CPO) and the palm kernel (PK) transportation problems for northern
peninsular Malaysia. These products from the mills were sent to their respective
destinations, the refineries and the crushers. The two transportation problems were
solved to get the mills-to-refineries and mill-to-crushers optimal assignments using
distance minimization as the objective function. The solutions revealed similar mills-torefineries
and mills-to-crushers assignments because CPO and PK are proportionate in
quantity, truck capacities are homogeneous for each product, and refineries and crushers
are located at identical locations. The research was then extended to look into the
location problem of the refineries, the crushers, and a proposed pulp manufacturing
facility that use empty fruit bunch as the raw material.
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