Lorestani, Ali Akbar Zinatizadeh
Biological treatment of palm oil effluent (POME) using an up-flow anaerobic sludge fixed film (UASFF) bioreactor [TD899.P4 L869 2006 f rb].
PhD thesis, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
Reaktor enapcemar anaerob aliran-naik saput tetap (UASFF) adalah satu bioreaktor cipta baru dan digunakan untuk biopenjelmaan cepat bahan organik kepada metana dengan bantuan daripada agregat mikrob berbutir. Satu
bioreaktor UASFF berskala makmal dengan satu tangki pengenapan luar telah berjaya direkabentuk dan beroperasi untuk rawatan kumbahan kilang kelapa sawit (POME).
Up-flow anaerobic sludge fixed film (UASFF) bioreactor is a modern bioreactor and was used for the rapid biotransformation of organic matter to methane with the help of granulated microbial aggregates. A lab scale UASFF bioreactor (3.65 lit) with an external settling tank was successfully designed and operated for palm oil mill effluent (POME) treatment.
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