Yew, Saw Peng
Studies On The Starch-Like Granules Co-Accumulated With Polyhydroxybutyrate In Spirulina Platensis [QR99.7.S416 Y48 2007 f rb].
Masters thesis, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
Spirulina platensis is capable of synthesizing small amount of polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) under nitrogen starvation condition. Gas chromatography (GC) analysis revealed that about 10 % PHA of the cell dry weight (CDW) was accumulated under mixotrophic culture condition containing 0.5% (w/v) of sodium acetate.
Di bawah keadaan nitrogen terhad, Spirulina platensis berkeupayaan mensintesis polihidroksialkanoat (PHA) dalam kuantiti yang sendikit. Analisis gas kromatografi (GC) pula menunjukkan bahawa kira-kira 10% PHA daripada berat kering sel dihasilkan di bawah keadaan miksotrophik dengan penambahan 0.5 %(w/v) natrium asetat.
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