Zainudin, Nurnadirah
Microbial and chemical properties of
anchovies based fish sauce (BUDU).
Project Report.
Universiti Sains Malaysia.
This study was conducted to assess the microbial load and chemical properties of
anchovies based fish sauce made from anchovy, Stolephorus sp with 3:2 fish to salt ratio at 1st day, 1st month, 2nd month, 3rd month, 4lh month and 5th month of
fermentation. The samples of the anchovies based fish sauce was taken directly from the
budu factory in Tumpat, Kelantan. For microbial load properties analysis, the total plate
count was determined using plate count agar (PCA) which was incubated for 48 hours
at 37°C. Moreover, chemical properties analysis that are moisture, total ash, crude
protein, fat, carbohydrate and pH were determined using standard method. Microbial load for the total plate count (TPC) using pour plate increase significantly from 4.8x103 cfu/mL to l.OxlO4 cfu/mL after 5 months of fermentation. Microbial load using spread
plate increase significantly from 6.9xl04 cfu/mL to 1.2x10s cfu/mL. The increase in the
TPC at the initial stage of fermentation could be due to bacterial and autolytic spoilage
that occurred once the anchovies mixture was prepared. An increase of the microbial
load was also due to most of the halophilic bacteria successfully adapted well to high
salt environment. Moisture content of samples from 47.37%-59.57% with mean
52.4±4.0. Ash content range from 34.7%-39.4% with mean 36.7±1.9. Result show
decreased of fat content throughout fermentation from 4.58% to 1.41% with mean
2.8±1.2. Protein content increased significantly with mean 4.7±0.7 and pH value range
from 4.27-5.17. Based on microbiological safety of ready-to-eat foods, spoilage
eventually occurred at a level around 109 cfu/mL due to the production of lactic acid.
The anchovy based fish sauce from factory in Tumpat, Kelantan showed low level of
microbial load thus safe for consumer consumption. The level of moisture and protein
in budu samples were higher than value in Malaysian Foods Composition Database
(59.6% moisture, 6.4% protein). Protein level also complied with Malaysian Food Act 1983 which stated that budu should contain not less than 5% protein. Ash represents
inorganic components and minerals in food and there was high level of minerals in budu
products. However, the percentage of fat was lower than the value documented in
Malaysian Foods Composition Database (1.4%). The fat content was originated from
the addition of salt into fermented fish.
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