Tan, Wee Ling
The Effectiveness Of Steam Integrated Approach Using Scratch Module On Achievement And Computational Thinking In Learning
PhD thesis, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
This study examined the effectiveness of STEAM (Science, Technology,
Engineering, Art, Mathematics) integrated approach via Scratch module in enhancing
and retaining achievement, computational thinking (CT) and five subconstructs of CT
in learning electricity concepts among 29 male and 30 female Form two secondary
school students through Scratch module, which was developed based on ASSURE
model. The five subconstructs CT was algorithmic thinking, cooperativity, creativity,
critical thinking and problem solving. In this research, a quasi-experimental design
was employed with pre-test, post-test and delayed post-test of Electricity Achievement
Test (EAT) and Computational Thinking Survey (CTS) to collect the quantitative data.
The EAT, which consisted seven structured questions, was utilised to measure the
students’ achievement in the electricity concepts while CTS, which consisted twenty
nine question on the five subconstruct of CT, was administered to assess the CT and
five subconstructs of CT. In the other hand, qualitative data was also collected through
the designed animated stories and games on electricity concepts by students at the end
of the intervention. The hypotheses were tested based on inferential statistics using
Paired Sample T Test, ANCOVA test, MANCOVA test, ANOVA Repeated Measure
test and MANCOVA Repeated Measure test.
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