Baser, Nor Idzziana
Family planning: attitudes and practices
among postnatal women and their
husbands in Obstetric and Gynecology
Clinic, Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia
Project Report.
Universiti Sains Malaysia.
Lack of awareness towards family planning among men and women is an
issue needed to take into account. This quantitative study was conducted to
identify the relationship between attitudes and practice of family planning among
men and women in Obstetric and Gynecology Clinic, HUSM. This research is a
cross-sectional, descriptive study using questionnaire. The sample is 65 men and
women selected from Obstetric and Gynecology Clinic, HUSM. Self-administer
questionnaire was utilized and the questionnaire consists of three sections.
Section A consists of respondent's demographic characteristics, Section B
consists of 26 attitudinal statements and Section C consists of one question
regarding contraceptives practice. Data was analyzed by Chi-square test from
Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 12 software. More than
half of the men and women had positive attitudes towards family planning, but yet
only minority of them uses contraceptives method. These quantitative findings
contrast with results from other research in other countries. Educated men and
women's tend to practice family planning due to their knowledge to the use of
contraceptives. Men and women who wanted more children were reluctant to
practice family planning. Understanding family planning thoroughly is the key
concept in practicing it. Throughout this study, sociocultural and traditional norms
give a huge impact on practice of family planning. Therefore, intervention efforts
should address these issues and mold action plans appropriate to the situation.
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