Khaksari, Mahta
Reading Rick Riordan'S Sea Of Monsters Using Propp'S Theory Of Narratology.
PhD thesis, Perpustakaan Hamzah Sendut.
Due to the significance of the contemporary young adult literature (YAL) in
conveying values and literary information to young readers, and because such texts
appeal to young adults (YA) more than the classics, the present research aims to
investigate the structure of modem mythology texts systematically to see whether
they match the classics in terms of complexity of structure and conveyed values or
not. To this end, the structure of YA novel Percy Jackson and (he Sea of Monsters
(SaM) by Riordan (2013) was analysed based on the theory of narratology of Propp
(1968/2009) presented in Morphology ofthe Folktale. The functions of the characters
and their corresponding sequence and move schemes were identified and the
Proppian move schemes were combined and extended into a new move scheme
representing a heroic type of novel.
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