Mukhtar, Farah Hanim
Counterfeit Tablet Investigation for Paracetamol Contents in Over the
Counter Formulations Using UV-Visible Spectrophotometer Analysis.
Project Report.
Universiti Sains Malaysia.
The occurance of counterfeit paracetamol (PCM) in consumer market persist,
meaning there could be some of the PCM sold may contain no active ingredients and
no therapeutic benefits to consumer. A rapid, precise and simple of spectrophotometric
method using UV-Vis analysis was used for the determination of concentration of
paracetamol (PCM) from assay of PCM in tablet formulation. The method used have
been developed and validated for the assay of PCM using methanol and water as
The maximum diluents. wavelength reading (X™ax) are measured at 244 nm. The
percentage recoveries were found to range from 97.92 to 104.72. This method was
applied to determine the quantity of 21 sample from different brand which available
over the counter (OTC) shop and pharmacies from four location. Based on percent of
sample recovery, all the sample are considered as authentic due to quantity of active
ingredient PCM almost same with the stated dosage. The chemometris analysis such as
principle component analysis, (PCA) and hierarchical cluster analysis, (HCA) was used
to classify sample into three clusters, A, B and C, and clustering was found to be based
on type of PCM tablet.
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