Wahab, Syakirah Bainun Abdul
Assessment on awareness of ovarian
cancer risk factors and attitudes
towards screening among women in
Balik Pulau, Penang.
Project Report.
Pusat Pengajian Sains Kesihatan.
Women’s awareness of ovarian cancer (OC) risks and their attitudes towards
screening may influence screening uptake. A cross sectional, descriptive survey was
carried out to assess the awareness on ovarian cancer risk factor and attitude towards
screening. In total. 87 women at Balik Pulau, Penang completed questionnaires by
purposive selection for women that fits the inclusion criteria. Data was statistically
analyzed using the software package SPSS version 20. Statistical significance was
considered at p-value <0.05. In all. 74.7% participants answer correctly for the risk
factor of increasing age although 94.3% unaware on increased risk tall women.
Majority, 71.3% had a low level of awareness and only 28.7% has a high level of
awareness of ovarian cancer risk factors. Participants of 58.6% strongly agree that ‘If
more women went for ovarian screening there would be fewer deaths from OC.
However, there are 17.2% of participants strongly disagree with statement ’the older
1 get the more I think about the possibility of getting OC. There are 83.9% of
participants having a moderate level of attitudes and 16.1% of participants have a
good level of attitudes. There is no participant with low attitudes. There are
association between age and level of awareness on OC risk factor (p=0.047). There
are also having association between highest educational level and level of awareness
on OC risk factors (p=0.039). For other socio-demographic data (ethnicity and
monthly income), there are no association with level of awareness on OC risk
factors. There are no association between socio-demographic data (age. ethnicity,
highest educational level and monthly income) with level of attitude towards ovarian
screening. There are also no association between awareness on OC risk factors and
attitude towards ovarian screening (p=l .000). The results show a need for improved
public understanding about OC risks and provide important information for health
educationalists about initiatives needed for future awareness, prevention and
screening programmes.
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