Zahir, Nurul Nadiah Mad
Effect of mangrove crab soup extract on dengue virus
serotype-2, platelet cell activity and U937 human monocyte
cancer cell line.
Project Report.
Pusat Pengajian Sains Kesihatan.
Dengue is a major mosquito-borne disease in Malaysia. Currently, there is no effective
antiviral therapy or approved vaccine available for dengue infection. Its infection is
responsible in the drastic decrease of platelet count or thrombocytopenia. Therefore,
finding the alternative therapeutic medicine is important. One of the popular traditional
remedy to treat dengue infection in Malaysia is by taking a mangrove crab soup. It has
been proven in-vivo to increase the platelet count of dengue patient. However there is no
in-vitro study conducted on the effect of this crab soup on dengue virus and platelet
count. Therefore, this study was carried out to investigate the effect of mangrove crab
soup extract on the dengue virus serotype-2 (DENV-2), platelet cell activity and
cytotoxicity on U937 human monocyte cancer cell line. The cytotoxicity assay was
performed to estimate the maximum non-toxic dose (MNTD) of mangrove crab soup
extract on U937 human monocyte cell line before using in the in vitro antiviral assay
treatment. After the treatment, reverse transcriptase PCR was performed to screen the
presence of specific gene of /?-actin of U937 cells, DENV-2 and platelet factor-4.
Antiviral effect of this crab soup was also determined by quantifying the DENV-2 RNA
copy numbers based on Ct value using reverse transcriptase-qPCR (RT-qPCR) and the
data was analysed by using one-way ANOVA test. Due to the presence of non-specific
bands on the agarose gel electrophoresis in some of the samples, the platelet cell activity
cannot be further quantified by RT-qPCR. The non-specific bands were sent for
sequencing and the sequence was blasted with the reference sequences from NCBI
GenBank. The result reveals that it was 45S pre-ribosomal RNA (45S pre-rRNA)
derived from U937 human monocyte cancer cell line. In overall, the result of this study shows that although this crab soup has no significant inhibitory effect on DENV-2 and a
minor cytotoxic effect on U937 cells, but it has an encouraging effect in increasing the
platelet activity and inhibitory of 45S pre-rRNA of U937 human monocyte cancer cell
line. Thus, this crab soup need to be further investigated to discover its potential as an
anti-tumour agent.
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