Xiaojun, Ho
Insight into the occupational health
among the industrial operators:
a physiological and
psychological approach.
Project Report.
Universiti Sains Malaysia.
This study investigated the occupational health status of agricultural and ship
maintenance operators via physiological and psychological approach. Physiological
health status was examined in terms of Body Mass Index. Physical Workload Index
Questionnaire (PWIQ), Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA), changes in
physiological parameters. Physiological Stress Index (PSI), and Heat Index.
Psychological health status of workers was investigated using Negative Act
Questionnaire-Revised. Depression. Anxiety and Stress Scales-21. General Health
Questionnaire-12, and WHO Quality of Life (QoL) - Brief Version. The
physiological and psychological status of agricultural and ship maintenance
industrial operators were quantified by prevalence of co-morbidity conditions
(37.0%), hypertension (27.0%). obesity (14.0%). PWIQ (mean = 17.4. SD = 7.0).
REBA (mean = 4.4. SD = 7.9). PSI (mean =1.1. SD = 0.6). prevalence of bullying (83.0%), depression (12.0%). anxiety (25.0%). stress (6.0%). predicted commo mental disorder cases (2.0%). and poor QoL (environmental = 19%. psychological =
18%. physical = 12%. social relationship = 9%). The prevalence of co-morbidity
conditions, predicted common mental disorder cases, poor physical QoL. and
psychological QoL were higher among agricultural operators (46.3%. 3.7%. 14.8%.
and 16.7%) as compared to ship maintenance workers (26.1%. 0.5%. 11.1%. and 17.4%). However, ship maintenance workers were subjected to higher physiological and psychological strain as indicated by mean scores of PWIQ and REBA, and the
prevalence of bullying experience, depression, anxiety and stress, and poor
environmental QoL (mean = 22.8, mean = 6.7, 93.5%. 13.0%, 26.1%. 8.7% and
17.4%) as compared to agricultural industrial operators (mean = 12.7. mean = 2.5.
74.1%. 11.1%. 24.1%. 3.8%. and 16.7%). This study also found that work related
factors and individual factors showed greater impact on physiological and psychological health as compared to individual factors as the occupation will determine the exposure of hazard on an individual. The physiological and
psychological health statuses of the workers were inter-correlated. The health
statuses of workers need to be further improved for the benefit of the workers. companies, and industries.
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