Ling, Lim Siok
Nutritional Composition and Lipid Oxidation Stability of Beef
Patties Packed with Biodegradable and Non-Biodegradable
Universiti Sains Malaysia.
Application of bio-based packaging materials have been shown to prevent
moisture loss, reduce lipid oxidation and improve flavor attributes of foods.
Biopolymers can be classified according to the method of production or mode of degradation. Properties of biopolymer can be tailored through polymer architecture
in order to be comparable to the other synthetic polymers used in food packaging
field. Biopolymers can be applied in beef patties packaging which has commercial shelf life of around one to two years as the polymer has a longer service lifetime before degradation occurs. The stability of nutritional composition, lipid oxidation,
physical traits of beef patties packed with different types of plastics and the surface
morphology of plastics after 3 months of storage were studied. Beef patties were
packed with either non-biodegradable high density polyethylene, oxo-biodegradable
plastic, hydro-biodegradable low density polyethylene/thermoplastic sago starch
plastic or hydro-biodegradable polylactic acid plastic. There were no differences in
the trend of changes for all nutrient analyzed and lipid oxidation values of beef
patties packed with either biodegradable or non-biodegradable plastics after storage
except for ash of raw patties. There were significant (P< 0.05) decreased in fat for
cooked patties and moisture for both raw and cooked patties but significant (P< different in ash of raw patties packed with oxo-biodegradable plastic and polylactic
acid plastic after storage. Lipid oxidation values of beef patties increased after
storage but they were not significant (P > 0.05). Beef patties packed with
biodegradable packaging materials were able to retain moisture without jeopardizing the diameter reduction during storage. Only polylactic acid plastic showed some cracks on the surface after storage. In summary, the application of biodegradable plastics packaging for beef patties was considered acceptable and can be improved as
most of the changes in nutritional composition, lipid oxidation and physical traits of
beef patties after 3 months of storage were comparable with conventional polyethylene plastic packaging.
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