Krishnan.S, Vinogiri
Some Aspects On The Biology Of
Mesocyclops Aspericonis (Copepoda,
Cyclopoida) And Its Efficiency In The
Control Of Vector Mosquito Larvae.
Masters thesis, Perpustakaan Hamzah Sendut.
Mesocyclops aspericonis from the family Cyclopoida is a freshwater free-living
copepod and was studied in this research. This cyclopoid is an efficient biological agent of
vector mosquito larvae. The biology and its efficiency as a biological agent of mosquito
larvae of this cyclopoid were examined.
Through out this study, only one species was obtained, the Mesocyclops
aspericonis (Daday, 1906). The behaviour and the biology of this species were observed
through out the study.
The production of Mesocylops aspericonis that was obtained from the sampling
freshwater of paddy fields showed significant in both culture media that was prepared.
When they were placed in groups of 20, 15 and 10 in each media, the freshwater media
was the appropriate media in the production of the cyclopoids. Leaf foliage media was the
best media in the culture when they were grouped in 5 and when only 1 gravid cyclopoid
was placed.
The copepods were confirmed as efficient biological agents of vector mosquitoes in
this study. They were tested in both laboratory and field conditions. They were proved to
be vicious predators of first and second instars of all the four vector mosquito species;
Aedes aegypti, Aedes a/bopictus, Culex quinquefasciatus and Anopheles sp. that were
tested. This tiny organism was seen maiming and eating the larvae as its food source. The
Mesocyclops aspericonis suppressed the amount of third and fourth instars of the Aedes
albopictus larvae in the field trial using tires as the artificial breeding containers, atter a
month's evaluation.Finally. in the prey preference test, the cylopoids preyed on all the four species
efficiently. Mesocylops aspericonis preferred Aedes aegypti compared to Anopheles sp.
but preferred Culex quinquefasciatus and Aedes albopictus in the combinations with
Aedes aegypti. The predator prefers Aedes albopictus compared to Culex
quinquefasciatus but it prefers Anopheles sp. compared to Aedes albopictus. Lastly. in the
combination of Culex quinquefasciatus and Anopheles sp.. it preferred Culex
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