Wan Faisham Nu Man, Wan Ismail
Association of degree of expression of ki 67
proliferative cell marker with aggressive
giant cell tumor of the bone.
Pusat Pengajian Sains Perubatan.
Stag11 Ill Campanacci giant cell tumour of· the bone always exhibits high
biological aggressiveness and has tendency for local recurrenc11s and pulmonary
metastases. We analyzed Ki-67 immuno-histochemistry of 31 cases of stage Ill
giant cell tumour of the bone to determine the clinico-pathological correlation.
The mean value of Ki-67 index obtained as a percentage of 1000 background
cells was 8. 15 with range from 1. 00 to 20. 00. There was no difference of indices
in cases with r11currence and pulmonary metastasis. In conclusion, Ki-67 index is
not useful as a prognostic marker for aggressive typ.e of giant cell tumour of the
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