T.P. Kannan, T.P. Kannan
Plant Biology 2010
Montreal, Kanada
31 Julai- 4 Ogos 2010.
Pusat Pengajian Sains Perubatan.
Genetic variation tor Alabidopsis th_aliana heterotic responses is in farge part explained by the epistl;ltic interaction of
flowering time genes FRIGIDA and Flowering Locus C.
Alltlbi.Qt!« ~istance .ot:.w!le<ltin .lh~ tprm .ot~.S.S!Z.R. k
Genomic <Jnalysis of cytosine methylation in Populus
trichocarpa tissues from differing developmental stages
Saturating Barley Malting Quality QTls with AG-Vs
Chi_meric aneuploids and their role in the evolution of early
generation allopolyploids of Arabidopsis
Cornparative evolutionary analysis of the Hsp100/CipB
proteins in photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic lineages.
Anomalous segregation of DArT markers in barley doubled
haploid popui<Jtions
Nicotine biosynthesis originated by ancient lateral gene_
··~- transfer from diverse eubacteriaJ phyla ~-
The Age of Arabidopsis: dated molecular phylogenies indicate
a Miocene origin for Arabidopsis
Allelic variation among shoot maturation pathway genes
regulates phenotypic diversity for vegetative phase change
within maize populations
An!llyses of Qatural variation in gene expression & association
genetics studies of stress-related genes in loblolly pine (Pinus
taeda !.,.)
Molecular ~>Vents during apical bud formation in white spruce
Investigating the. molecular mechanisms underlying the
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