Ayu Suzailiana, Muhamad
Effects of eurycoma longifolia jack
supplementation on recreational
athletes' endurance running
performance and physiological
responses in the heat.
Masters thesis, Pusat Pengajian Sains Perubatan.
This study investigated the effects of Eurycoma longifolia Jack
supplementation on recreational athletes' endurance running performance and
physiological responses in the heat. Nine healthy male recreational athletes (Age:
23.3 ± 4.3 years old; Body weight: 69.2 ± 9.6 kg; V02max: 43.1 ± 6.6 ml.kg-1.min-1)
were recruited for this study. In this double blind, placebo-controlled cross-over
study, subjects completed 2 endurance running trials, performed on separate days,
after either Eurycoma Jongifolia Jack (75 mg of Eurycoma longifolia Jack per
capsule) or placebo supplementation. Two capsules per day of either Eurycoma
longifolia Jack or placebo were taken for 7 days before and one hour prior to the
experimental trial. On the trial day, after 5 minutes warm-up at 50% V02max.
subjects were requested to run at 60% V02max for 60 minutes. This was
immediately followed by a 20 minutes time trial for determining endurance running
performance. The experimental trials were carried out in the laboratory where the
temperature and relative humidity were kept at approximately 31 oc and 70%
respectively. Blood samples were taken before warm-up, after warm-up, and every
20 minutes during the trial to determine haemoglobin concentration, haematocrit
level, and plasma glucose concentration. At every 20 minutes during the trial, 3
ml.kg-1 body weight of cool water was given to the subjects. Study results showed
that endurance running performance was not different statistically (p=0.139) between Eurycoma longifolia Jack (EL) and placebo (P) trials. Similarly, oxygen
uptake, heart rate, rate of perceived exertion, body weight changes, tympanic
temperature, mean skin temperature, haemoglobin concentration, haematocrit
level, and plasma glucose concentration were not statistically different between
trials. Thus, these findings indicated that chronic supplementation of Eurycoma
longifo/ia Jack with a dosage of 150 mg.day-1 for 7 days did not elicit beneficial
effects on endurance running performance and physiological responses of
recreational athletes in the heat.
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