Kwanhathai Darin, Wong
A prospective study on the outcomes
of in-hospital cardiac arrest cases
receiving cardiopulmonary
resuscitation in two tertiary
hospitals in malaysia.
Masters thesis, Pusat Pengajian Sains Perubatan.
Resuscitation medicine is an integral part of acute emergency care. The
advancement in this field has led to evidence-based international guidelines on the
practice of CPR which has improved and standardized its practice. Coupled with the
usage of the Utstein style to report on outcomes of CPR, this has further enhanced
increasing standardized research in this arena. However, it remains to be proven whether
these results of research mainly from other countries is applicable to our local population.
There is currently a severe lack of CPR research in Malaysia. This study aims to tackle
this by investigating the rates of survival outcomes for in-hospital cardiac arrest (IJ-IA) in
our population. This study also serves as a starting point to hopefully create a database
that other centers in the nation will be able to add on to. The objective of this study is to determine the outcomes of CPR in In-Hospital
Cardiac Arrest (IHA) cases. The endpoints are looking at the success rate of achieving
ROSC (return of spontaneous c irculation), immediate survival (ROSC at least 20 minutes), 24-hour survival and survival-to-hospital discharge. Another objective is to
identify any factors that could lead to the improvement in these endpoints. This is a prospective study using convenient sampling. It was conducted from
March, 2007 until December, 2007. The standard Utstein in-hospital CPR reporting form
was distributed to all locations involved in this study and a briefing was given to all the
staff involved in these areas at the beginning of the study. Any case of IHA requiring
CPR in these areas was then included into the study and a member of the primary
resuscitating team would fill in the form . The forms were then collected and the fo llow
up of the patients that survived were then conducted until the patients were discharged
from hospital or passed away in hospital. In this study, survival outcomes for IHA receiving CPR obtained were a rate of
ROSC of 61 .2% (n=60), immediate survival rate of 38.8% (n=38), 24-hour survival of
14.3% (n=l 4) and a survival-to-discharge rate of8.16% (n=8). The mean age ofthe study
population was 50 years and 59% were in the middle-age range of 40 to 70 years. The
males outnumbered females by a ratio of 2.1 : 1. Majority of THA events were monitored
(91 %) and witnessed (99%). The main immediate causes of arrest were hypotension
(4 1.8%), myocardial infarction ( 19.4%) and respiratory depression (17.3%). When
divided into cardiac causes versus noncardiac, the percentages were 29.6% vs 70.4%
respectively. The time from collapse to CPR was less than I minute in 76.5%. The initial rhythms detected at THA were bradycardia (n=31 ), asystole (n =28) and PEA (n=27). The
immediate survival of day time versus night time THA was 45 .6% vs 29.3%. The other
survival rates were not affected by time of THA. The only significant factor associated
with 24-hour survival and survival-to-discharge was having a shockable rhythm at time
of arrest. In conclusion, the survival outcomes for lHA with CPR obtained were a rate of
return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) of 61.2% (n=60), immediate survival rate of
38.8% (n=38), 24-hour survival of 14.3% (n= l4) and a survival-to-discharge rate of
8.16% (n=8). A shockable rhythm at the time of IHA was the only significant factor to
affect outcomes.
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