Orfega, Zwawua
Development of an educational module against tramadol abuse and its effectiveness among youths in Benue State, Nigeria.
PhD thesis, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
Tramadol abuse among Nigerian youths has reached a worrisome level, with a
projection to surpass the rate of cannabis abuse. Despite this, community educational
modules on drug addiction are non-existent. The objective of this study was to develop
an educational module against tramadol abuse (Edu-MATA) and test its effectiveness
among youths in Benue State. The study was implemented in three phases using a
mixed-method design. The first phase developed the module based on Sidek Module
Development Model. The content of the module was sourced from literature review
and focus group discussion. The content was selected according to the three constructs
of the IMB model: information, motivation and behavioral skills. The second phase of
the study involved constructing assessment tools and determining their validity and
internal consistency. The third phase was a community-based intervention study using
quasi-experimental design to test the effectiveness of the Edu-MATA. The study
participants consisted of 49 and 48 tramadol abusers in the intervention and control
groups, respectively. The intervention group received education on tramadol and the
skills for quitting its abuse using Edu-MATA. On the other hand, the control group
was engaged in aerobic dance and drama throughout the intervention period. Repeated
measures analysis of variance (RM ANOVA) was used to test the difference in mean
values for knowledge, attitudes, self-efficacy, and behaviour between the two groups
before the intervention, two weeks, and three months after the intervention. The result
of the first phase showed a content validity achievement of 85.8% and a reliability coefficient of 0.76 for the newly developed module, indicating the Edu-MATA was
valid and reliable. The results of the second phase showed that all the assessment tools
(Tram-KNOW, Tram-MIND, Tram-QUIT and Tram-BEHAV) were valid and
internally consistent. The third phase of the study showed increased mean value for
knowledge about tramadol (F = 480.6, p = .001), decreased mean value for positive
attitude towards tramadol (F = 360.3, p = .001), increased mean value for self-efficacy
for quitting tramadol (F = 185.8, p = .001), and a decreased mean value for tramadol
abuse behaviour (F = 104.1, p = .001) in the intervention group as compared to the
control group after the intervention. This indicates the effectiveness of the Edu-MATA
in curbing tramadol abuse. The Edu-MATA can be adopted by health promotion
specialists, addiction counsellors, psychiatrists, officials of rehabilitation homes, and
even researchers interested in the abuse of tramadol among the youths.
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