Ismail, Che Alhafizol Che
Molecular characterization of scom_beromorus maculates (Ikan Tenggiri), atule
Mate (Ikan Selar), and decapterus russelli (Ikan Selayang) species of fish from
Malaysia marine ecosystem using dna sequence of mitochondrial dna (mtdna)
cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) (DNA barcoding).
Pusat Pengajian Sains Kesihatan, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
This study was undertaken to design a set of common primer to amplify the cytochrome
oxidase I (COl) barcoding region of marine fish species. The primer set namely ST Fl
S'AAGAATCAA/GAATAG/AGTGTTG3' (reverse) were able to amplify the three fish
species namely Scomberomorus macu/ates (ikan Tenggiri), Atule mate (ikan Selar), and
Decapterus russelli (ikan Selayang) chosen for this study. The sequence data generated were
compared and analyzed using the sequence of COl gene of Gobio gobio (AB 239596) as a
reference. On analysis between the three species Scomberomorus maculates and Atule mate
have the highest percentage of similarities (76.91%), followed by Atule mate and Decapterus
russelli (69.29%), and Scomberomorus maculates and Decapterus russe/li (64.45%) (Table
5). The sequence data generated were used to study their phylogenetic relationship by
constructing a rooted neighbor joining (NJ) dendrogram (Fig. 18).
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