Ismail, Azma Hanim and R., Shiel and F., Recknagel
Zooplankton Distribution and Species Diversity in Myponga Reservoir,
South Australia.
Proceedings of Global Conference on Agriculture Economics and Environment Research.
GCAEER, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, pp. 176-190.
ISBN 978-986-89844-2-4
Myponga Reservoir is a water storage that supplies drinking water to the southern
metropolitan area. It is a highly managed water body with prolonged artificial mixing and
regular algicide dosing (CuSO4) to manage water quality problem. The total number of taxa
in Myponga was 16 and Cladocera was the dominant taxonomic group in relation to the total
number of taxa. In terms of total density, Copepoda were the numerically dominant group in
both reservoirs. The most frequently occurring Cladocera were Ceriodaphnia cf.
quadrangula, Ceriodaphnia cornuta and Bosmina meridionalis while Asplanchna priodonta
was the predominant Rotifera throughout the study. Copepoda were dominated by
Calamoecia ampulla and Microcyclops sp., making up the largest portion of total
zooplankton density. Observations showed relatively consistent species diversity and density
throughout the study in Myponga Reservoir except for low densities during summer for
Cladocera and Copepoda groups. Shallow locations have greater zooplankton densities
compared to deep locations in the reservoir. Biological factors including the occurrence of
green algae and cyanobacteria may influence zooplankton abundance and the dynamics of the
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